People with constipation should stay away from these foods! How to treat constipation in babies?

People with constipation should stay away from these foods How

Specialist Dr. Tevfik Ali Küçükbaş said, “Health problems such as poor nutrition from fibrous foods, insufficient amount of daily fluid intake, sedentary life, not going to the toilet due to the feeling of defecation, frequent and excessive use of laxatives and enemas, diabetes (diabetes) disease, irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease. “It’s one of the causes of constipation,” he said.

Stating that fibrous foods such as figs, apricots, dates, plums, wholegrain foods, and consumption of adequate amounts of vegetables and fruits are good for constipation, Küçükbaş said, “In addition, increasing fluid intake, regular walking and exercise are very effective in eliminating and preventing constipation. In addition, in case of constipation. Excessive consumption of black tea, cola, banana, peach and pulp-free foods should be avoided.


Küçükbaş stated that although constipation is not considered a disease, it is one of the most common digestive system complaints in terms of incidence, and listed the symptoms of constipation as follows:


Lumpy, dry and hard stools, difficult and painful stool, tension in the anal region and the feeling of obstruction in the rectum, the toilet cannot be done enough to provide complete relaxation, the feeling of not emptying and defecation can be achieved by pressing the anal area or abdomen with hand. Expressing that long-term constipation can lead to the formation of some diseases, Küçükbaş said, “Constipation can develop for a temporary and correctable innocent reason such as traveling, consuming less liquid, eating low-fiber food, or it can be a symptom of some diseases. Hypothyroidism, colon cancer, Diverticular disease, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal obstruction conditions, MS, Parkinson’s disease are diseases in which constipation complaints are also seen.


Stating that in the diagnosis of constipation, the patient’s defecation habit, other existing complaints, medications and support products used, previous diseases and constipation-related diseases in the family should be evaluated in detail by the physician, Küçükbaş said, “The treatment of constipation requires correction of some habits first. Drinking enough water. Consumption of fibrous foods such as vegetables, salads, apricots, figs, dates, regular walking and/or exercise, not using or regulating supportive products and drugs with bad effects are the first measures to be taken in the treatment of constipation. Softeners that increase intestinal obstruction can be used. In cases where intestinal obstruction is suspected, drugs should not be used randomly and with advice, unless given by the doctor. In cases of solid stool in the form of gag or in some diseases that force the passage of the intestine, high enema (soap, soap, etc.) with glycerin and warm water). Exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles are beneficial treatments in appropriate cases.


Küçükbaş said: “Increasing fluid intake during the day, drinking water before breakfast and meeting the body’s water needs by drinking water with a few hours intervals during the day, consuming fibrous foods such as dried or fresh figs, apricots, dates, plums, adequate amounts of vegetables, Consumption of fruit and wholegrain products, regular walking and exercise are good for constipation and help prevent constipation.



Informing that it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding when babies experience constipation, Küçükbaş said, “Constipation should be reported to the doctor first and the doctor’s recommendations should be followed. With the approval of the doctor, water intake can be increased in accordance with the month and weight of the baby. In the period when the baby can drink fruit juice, fruit juice containing prunes and pears, “If he can take soft food, fruit and vegetable puree, grain food can be given. A warm bath can relax the muscles and make the baby poop. Rectal stimulation can also be effective, like measuring with a rectal thermometer,” he said. (DHA)
