They pay tribute to the greatest and honor their own and rivals, as did, among others, in this same corner a great musician, Pancho Varona. The best, no matter how many triumphs they have achieved, never think they are more than others. Paco Gento he was one of the greatest and was always modest and close to the people. I became a member of Real Madrid in 1969, and in that squad there were great players: Amancio, Pirri, Velazquez, Benito, Miguel Angel and other fantastic footballers, who three years earlier had won the european cup. But there was a footballer in that season, who was already in the Olympuswho was already a legend, Gento, The Cantabrian Galena. The only one who has won six times the Big-eared. In that football without rotations and with few changes, another great footballer, Manolin Good, played few games (119) in his twelve years at Madrid. He was Gento’s eternal understudy. A similar situation happened to him in the Spanish team Henry Necklaceone of the best left wingers in history, because all the lineups, as has been said here, ended with “… and Gento”.
Gento, in a Barça-Real Madrid at the Camp Nou.
In his eighteen years as a white player, he won the two most important club titles eighteen times: six European Cups and twelve Suspenders. In the list of footballers with the most Leagues won in Spain, they are followed by pirri Y Messi with ten, and Amancio, Santillana, Camacho and Iniesta with nine. In the big European leagues, it only surpasses him, with thirteen Premier achieved in no less than twenty-four seasons played, Manchester United footballer Ryan Giggs. the legend of the Red’s Devils He also won two European Cups.
That admiration and respect for the opponents, which has been felt with Gento, we have also experienced in the final of the Super Cup with Virginia Torrecillathe player of Athletic, who has fought for two years and won the most important championship, beating a brain tumor. The blanket of joy and affection of their rivals from the Barca, Some champions of football and life. See you always Gento. Thank you for the story that you made, in your old Chamartin. The stars are coming out…