People over 65 received free needles – then the number of fall accidents decreased

Every year, approximately 100,000 Swedes over the age of 65 fall so badly that they need to seek medical care, according to the National Board of Health and Welfare. By handing out free spikes to all residents over the age of 65, the municipality of Övertorneå, on the border with Finland, has reduced the number of fall accidents linked to snow and ice.

– Then even the elderly dare to go out for a walk, so there is a lot that is positive about this. Our elderly stay fitter and then it takes a few extra years before they need extra support in the form of home care or special housing, says Center Party municipal councilor Tomas Mörtberg.

For a few years before the pandemic, Övertorneå invested in free needles for everyone over 65. An investment that costs the rural municipality around SEK 100,000 per year. Two frequent users of needles are the couple Birger and Ingela Jakobsson-Åhl.

– I have a bad knee, so for me it’s important to have spikes, otherwise I’m worried about falling, says 82-year-old Birger Jakobsson-Åhl.

– I use them several times a week, it’s always a security with spikes and it’s cheap insurance to avoid a femur fracture, says Ingela Jakobsson-Åhl.

Saving money

According to figures from the National Board of Health and Welfare, the number of fall accidents and hip fractures in Övertorneå, for people aged 65 to 79 years, has decreased since 2017, and the municipality has the lowest number of hip fractures per capita in the whole of Norrbotten. Therefore, the municipal council believes that the municipality saves money by giving away spikes for free.

– That’s it, a femur fracture, how much does it cost? Partly the suffering for the person affected. But also healthcare costs, home care and more, says Tomas Mörtberg.
