people need to take responsibility for their health

people need to take responsibility for their health

A corona passport is no longer required and opening restrictions have been waived throughout Estonia. A mask must still be worn in public interiors. The professor of virology also considers the mask compulsion unnecessary.

TALLINN The Estonian ruling parties agreed to abandon interest rate restrictions as early as February.

The coronary passport and opening restrictions had to be phased out when the number of coronary patients admitted to hospitals daily drops below 25.

On Monday, the Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (Reform Party) announced that the expectation was over.

– Many have been waiting for the requirement for corona certificates and restrictions on opening hours to be abandoned. Now that (day) has arrived, Kallas said in a government statement.

Tourists arriving in Estonia will continue to be required to have a corona certificate. In the absence of such, those arriving from the EU should remain in voluntary quarantine for a week.

In practice, however, this requirement does not work, as corona passports are not checked in ports, for example.

Professor: mask compulsion useless, only benefit from FFP2 masks

Estonia is no longer subject to the mask requirement and the requirement for safety intervals in public indoor areas.

– I’ve noticed that the masks are held somewhere under the chin. It doesn’t make any sense, Lutsar said in an interview with the Estonian Broadcasting Corporation’s ERR.

He said a mask recommendation would be a sufficient remedy.

– Some time ago, people should have been taught to take care of their own health.

According to Lutsar, especially with the omicron transform, all but the FFP2-level masks are just an eye-opener.

Over the past week, more than two thousand coronary infections have been found in Estonia.

There were 631 coronary infections in hospitals on Monday, 19 of them in intensive care.

You can discuss more on this topic on March 16th. until 11 p.m.
