An ICA store now chooses to end with a very popular service. The reason? Theft and mockery.
Today, there are approximately 1300 ICA stores scattered in our elongated country. Among them, some supermarkets such as ICA Maxi are, while others are small ICA close with a slightly more limited range.
For those who live a little more outward countryside, we all know the importance of a well -managed and nice shop as the alternatives around grocery stores can often be limited.
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As a customer, however, you have a greater responsibility than you think, so that a store can be managed in the simplest way by the staff.
A store manager who works at an ICA in central Stockholm told us that that store got to port school students from entering the store in groups during the day. This is because of the mockery and the stoop in the store.
“It’s a shame that you have to do this, but we don’t see any other solution right now,” he said.
And when it comes to mockery he has also witnessed both one and the other in the stores. Among other things, when a woman bit all tops on the muffins that were available to buy pieces.
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– It happened so often that we finally got her.
Another time he got to see video material on a smoker who squeezed his head among the shelves to eat a bun – without it being seen.
– The person brought a bun, then pushed the entire head into a shelf and chewed in himself like no one would suspect it. Since it was not possible to prove what he was doing there on the shelf, nothing happened to him. Sickness is taken outside the store and this did not appear on the camera. So yes, you don’t forget, he concluded.
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The ICA store ends with popular service
Since 2021, the ICA store in Fors has used the service “to go” which has enabled customers through an app to act despite the times when the store has been unmanned.
The service has been incredibly appreciated by customers who work uncomfortable working hours and sometimes have to swing by in the morning to shop for breakfast and lunch.
But now it is over.
The shop owner Sandra who manages the store with its partner tells News24 That the store has now stopped the service after customers rolled out shopping carts from the store with grocery bags – without paying.
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– If you run a national shop that we do, you get a lot of appreciation from your customers. You are greeted by hugs and nice reunions. Then you feel that you want to be able to help simplify the lives of your customers. This service has really made it easier for many who work some uncomfortable times and may need to shop when the store is unmanned. It is therefore so incredible that we have to remove it just because some cannot take care of themselves, she says.
Are people upset that the service is removed?
– Our customers are so kind so no one is angry with us. After all, it is on those who have taken has been without paying that some may be a little sour on. We are in the process of reviewing surveillance films so that employees can work on more than they usually do. So in this situation everyone is affected.
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Is this stop indefinitely?
– Yes it is still unclear how long we will stop the service. After all, it is sad for the summer when there is high demand to be able to shop a little at any time. So we’ll see, she concludes.
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