Pensions: what do the decrees published in the Official Journal contain?

Pensions what do the decrees published in the Official Journal

They have been the source of a bitter political battle this year. Several implementing decrees for the pension reform were published this Friday, August 11, in the Official Journal, in particular recording the revaluation of small pensions, changes in hardship, the combination of employment and retirement or the creation of a pension for the orphans. The Express takes stock.

The revaluation of small pensions

One of the texts published on Friday increases the minimum pension, “up to 100 euros per month for people retiring from September 1, 2023”, according to a press release from the Ministry of Labor. This will concern “200,000 retirees each year, or about one in four departures”. The minimum pension is “now indexed to the Smic, and no longer to inflation”.

Some 1.7 million current retirees will also see their pension upgraded, including 700,000 in the fall.

Modified rules for combining employment and pensions

The rules for combining employment and retirement are modified, allowing retirees who resume a professional activity to improve their pension: “under certain conditions”, they will be able to request “a + second pension + recalculated on the basis of the same rules”, explains the ministry. About 500,000 retirees are now affected

Phased retirement is extended

Progressive retirement is extended to civil servants and liberal professionals and its “facilitated” access for employees, the employer now having to “justify his refusal”.

The creation of Fipu

An “Investment fund for the prevention of professional wear and tear” (Fipu) has been created, endowed with one billion euros over five years, to finance initiatives within companies and branches to prevent “ergonomic ” (painful postures, vibrations, carrying heavy loads, etc.).

The prevention professional account evolves

The “professional prevention account” (C2P) is also changing: the thresholds associated with the “night work” and “work in successive alternating shifts” risk factors go from 120 to 100 nights per year and from 50 to 30 nights per year, respectively. .

Employees simultaneously exposed to several risk factors will be able to acquire more points than before to temporarily benefit from part-time work and top up their personal training account (CPF). From now on, C2P holders will also be able to undertake professional retraining.

An orphan’s pension

Those under 21 who have lost both parents from September 2023 will be able to benefit from an “orphan’s pension” up to the age of 25, subject to means testing or without age limit for those with a severe disability.

Finally, these decrees open up rights to new categories of caregivers: “parents of disabled children whose disability rate is less than 80% but eligible for the supplement to the education allowance for disabled children (AEEH) “, or carers of disabled adults “non-cohabitants” or without family ties but with “a stable and close bond”.

The decrees already published

The main decrees, gradually raising the legal retirement age from 62 to 64, or ending the main special schemes, were published at the beginning of the summer.
