Pensions, Ukraine, teenagers: letters from the readers of L’Express

EN DIRECT Reforme des retraites Elisabeth Borne actionne le 493 a

Yes to funded retirement

Philippe Schnabel, Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes)

I read with pleasure the article by Antoine Buéno which questions pay-as-you-go pensions, the huge totem of our rulers. Why not introduce a capitalization component (10% initially, for example) and increase this component as needed? The evolution of this rate being, each year, submitted to a vote in the Assembly, within the framework of the discussion on the budget. (“Pensions: pay-as-you-go schemes are not ecologically sustainable“, L’Express of March 9).

Starting age and standard of living

Claude Joubert, Penvins (Morbihan)

France is 19th in the ranking of OECD countries for their GDP per capita. Logic: we work less than others and create less wealth. By pushing back the retirement age, we would improve the average standard of living, but the French do not want to understand this because, for a very long time, the State has been distributing additional income to citizens by increasing the public debt. The question is: until when? (” Pensions: the “too much sacrifice”?”, L’Express of March 16).

Macron’s bad faith

Paris Bouttement, Asnieres-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine)

Basing financing exclusively on assets when these are fewer and fewer in relation to the number of retirees is suicidal. Unfortunately, Emmanuel Macron rejected all other financing proposals, such as the participation of wealthy retirees, the taxation of companies that do not retain their seniors, levies on large fortunes, etc. Measures which would be fully sufficient to ensure the pay-as-you-go balance. (” Pensions: the “too much sacrifice” ?”, L’Express of March 16).

Ukraine 2023/France 1940

Laurent Opsomer, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (North)

A country of 40 million inhabitants in 1940, France mobilized 5 million soldiers at the time. There is no doubt that Ukraine can do the same today, while opposite Russia deploys half a million fighters. Finally, like France in 1940, Ukraine is facing a “demographic winter”, aggravated by strong emigration since 1990. However, wanting to seize militarily and durably a country so vast and so populated is a challenge, not to say an impossibility for Moscow given the numbers engaged to date. Admirable for its resistance, Ukraine now has numerical superiority and benefits from the military support of NATO countries, particularly the United States. Therefore, she will not know the fate of France in 1940. (“War in Ukraine: new Russian tactics… a double-edged sword“, L’Express of March 16).

The economy, weapon of war

Claude Massicard, Chambray-lès-Tours (Indre-et-Loire)

The conflict in Ukraine demonstrates this: today, annexing a country by force is no longer a solution for expanding its influence. The most effective method is through economy. This is what the United States is doing with the “king-dollar” and what China is trying to do by expanding its commercial empire. (“Francis Fukuyama, the big interview“, L’Express of March 9).

adolescent mental health

Alain Devos, Fontaine-le-Sec (Somme)

I completely agree with Sylvain Fort dealing with the mental health of our teenagers subjected, by various media and political actors, to recurring “catastrophism” on the present and the future. However, we must ask ourselves why young people are no longer able to withstand the trials of life. How did the younger generations of the past deal with the two successive world wars? (“Pity for the youth of Franceplagued by catastrophic emphasis”, L’Express of March 2).

For a debate on nuclear power

Aurélie Varga, Grenoble (Isère)

When will there finally be an article or a reasoned and reasonable debate on the advantages and dangers of nuclear power, an independent, rational, informative analysis, built on scientific, economic and serious data? (“Inenergy dependence: those who put France in the ditch“, L’Express of March 9).

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