Pensions, the reform is a battleground in the electoral campaign

Pensions the reform is a battleground in the electoral campaign

(Finance) – While the unions are asking for greater flexibility in leaving from the age of 62 and a measure that can represent a guarantee for younger workers, or, alternatively, the 41 years of contributions, the issue of pensions heats up the electoral campaign. In the absence of a timely reform, in a few months back to the Fornero Law and, with inflation at 8%, the expensive bills and increases on basic necessities such as food that make living conditions increasingly critical. millions of Italians, the question affects a vast audience of voters. But the latest assumptions of the policy do not seem to be reconciled with “a pension reform that guarantees flexibility mechanisms in exit in a sustainable system, anchored to the contribution system”, of which the Premier Draghi had reiterated the need a few days ago.

A card, that of pensions, immediately played by Forza Italia president Silvio Berlusconi with a proposal already branded by many as an “electoral mockery”. “In our program there is an increase in pensions, all our pensions, at least 1000 euros per month for 13 months, there is a pension for our mothers who are the people who have worked the most in the evening, on Saturdays, Sundays, during holidays and who have the right to have a peaceful and dignified old age “, announced Berlusconi in an interview. to Tg5, anticipating some contents of the electoral program that FI will deposit at the Interior Ministry by August 12. According to Istat data at the end of 2021, pensioners numbered 16 million with a total gross expenditure of almost 312 billion (+ 1.55% on 2020) The average amount received is 1,620 euros per month e more than 1 in 3, 32% of the total, about 5 million and 120 thousand people, earns less than 1,000 euros per month. An audience that even rises to 40% of the total if we consider only the amounts of benefits gross of personal income tax. If the idea is the one already launched by the Brothers of Italy to finance the increase by abolishing the Citizenship Income, the accounts do not add up. According to the estimates reported by the Sole 24 Ore, the proposal would cost, in fact, 18 billion a year compared to the 9 billion spent on the DRC in 2021.

After having first launched the proposal for pensions at one thousand euros, taken up as a workhorse by Berlusconi, Fratelli d’Italia relaunches with the safeguarding of private pension funds. “The privatistic management of the professional pension funds must be restored in the original perspective of the 1994 reform and the line reaffirmed by Professor Cassese. Unfortunately, the last decade, with the various Pd-traction governments, have instead further restricted the freedom of the Casse , attracting them de facto into the public sphere. I now hope that the government crisis will put a stop to the issuing of the decree on investments, which really by introducing the homologating method of public evidence, would mean the death of the privatistic system born in 1994. Fratelli d’Italia – explained the Senator of the Brothers of Italy Andrea de Bertoldi at the conference on the social security system promoted by the National Notary Fund – it will be a bulwark in the defense of the autonomy of the funds and we will also ask that a reduced taxation be determined for the social security system of freelancers as is already the case for supplementary pensions. It is in fact unacceptable that those who work in social security and assistance are taxed on a par with speculation “.

After an altitude of 100 la League for its part, it now points up Odds 41: in any case retired with 41 years of contributions. According to INPS, the measure would cost more than 4 billion in the first year of “activation” and over 9 billion in the tenth year.

On the front of the Democratic party n in view of the expiry at the end of the year of the quota mechanism, without which the provisions of the Fornero law are returned, the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando he had already announced his intention to renew “Woman option” and“Social bee”“because they have achieved good results” also by expanding and making the audience of interested parties more structural.

The M5s on pensions seems to confirm the line drawn by president of the INPS Pasquale Tridico: early retirement at 63-64 years with only the contribution share to which the further share from the age of 67 would then be added. A solution that would cost about 2 and a half billion more for the first years but savings in the medium term.
