Pensions reform, “contribution bonus” hypothesis for young people on the table

Pensions reform contribution bonus hypothesis for young people on the

(Finance) – Greater flexibility to be able to access the pension but also a virtual contribution bonus to increase the future pensions of young people and some measures to facilitate maternity, such as the reduction of the registration and contribution requirements for working mothers equal to 12 months per child on all performances without penalties. These are the requests presented by the unions in the ongoing negotiations with the government on pension reform. After yesterday’s meeting, the A ‘political’ meeting is scheduled for February 7 in which the Minister of Labor, Andrea Orlando ei leader of Cgil Cisl and Uil they will make an initial assessment of the work carried out by analyzing the criticalities present on the path towards a shared reform. The final goal is set for the beginning of April when the government will have to present the Dpef.

Unions argue the need to introduce one greater flexibility to be able to access retirement. There Cisl asks to make the contribution system more equitable by eliminating the economic thresholds that condition access to pensions and to give stability to the rules by confirming the request to allow retirement from the age of 62 and also in the presence of 41 years of contributions, regardless of any personal requirements. A line opposite to that of the Prime Minister Mario Draghi pointing to the contribution system so as not to aggravate public finances. The hypothesis is being studied of allowing everyone to leave at 63 with a check linked in large part to the actual contribution. As a penalty there is a cut in the salary quota of the check (around 3% for each year before the legal age) which compensates for the advantage of collecting the pension for a greater number of years.

In such a scenario the contribution system however, it poses a problem for many workers, especially for young people, who, between discontinuous careers, layoffs, precarious work and low wages risk receiving a check to be negligible. For this reason, the unions are asking for a guarantee pension of at least one thousand euros to strengthen what is received by young people who have contribution gaps. A proposal evaluated in the first two technical round tables envisaged as part of the ongoing debate between the government and the unions – as noted by the Sole 24 Ore – is that of “virtual contribution bonus to be guaranteed to young people”. The first hypothesis illustrated by the Confindustria newspaper provides that the bonus could be triggered “guaranteeing for each year of work 1.5-1.6 years of payments with the direct contribution of the State, up to figuratively covering the duration of the training periods , uncovered unemployment, and perhaps also those attributable to care work, or to the assistance of family members in difficulty “. But the Ministry of Economy reserves the right to precisely quantify the financial impact and audiences before making a decision. The second hypothesis, on the other hand, envisages ensuring the notional contribution in the form of a one-off bonus.
