Pensions: now the law promulgated, what deadlines to come?

Pensions now the law promulgated what deadlines to come

A few hours after the Constitutional Council validated, in its very large part, the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron promulgated the law. This rapid registration in the Official Journal comes even as the inter-union asked the president to wait. The CGT and the CFDT see it as a “sign of contempt” on the part of the authorities, and are preparing new deadlines for challenges.

If a precise timetable is discernible, spontaneous demonstrations are also expected to be held in the coming days. As is the case this Saturday in Rennes, where police had to fire tear gas grenades after being the target of projectiles. The day before, in this same city, the doors of a police station and a former convent had been set on fire.

Monday April 17: Emmanuel Macron speaks at 8 p.m.

Two days after promulgating the law, Emmanuel Macron will address the French, Monday April 17, around 8 p.m. According to the Elysée, the president will speak “in a logic of appeasement”, and to “look at what has advanced alongside pensions”. Refusing to close the file, the unions said their “determination” not to enter into a post-crisis agenda. In this sense, they refused the invitation made by the president to come and meet him next Tuesday. “From the start, the contempt returned to the workers will have been constant. But their dignity in the street is stronger”, reacted Laurent Berger, general secretary of the CFDT.

Thursday April 20: towards a day of “railway anger”

The four representative unions of the SNCF called for a “day of expression of railway anger” next Thursday. This is, according to them, a “preparation stage” for the May Day demonstrations. The CGT promised actions in all sectors on the same day, as well as on April 28. “The nocturnal promulgation of the law does not change our fight at all. We will not move on until this law is abandoned,” said CGT-Cheminots, Unsa-Ferroviaire, SUD in a press release. -Rail and CFDT-Cheminots, who have been on strike since March 7.

Thursday, April 20 falls on the eve of school holidays in the Paris and Occitan regions and a crossover weekend in the other areas which are already on vacation.

Monday May 1: the inter-union is counting on “exceptional mobilization”

The calendar offered a prime opportunity to opponents of the pension reform. Make May 1, International Workers’ Day, an “exceptional and popular mobilization day”, in the words of the inter-union. Thus, the unions refuse to meet Emmanuel Macron before this deadline, in the hope of making it a weighty argument in the stated objective of abandoning this reform.

Wednesday May 3: eyes once again turned to the Constitutional Council

If the Constitutional Council rejected, Friday, April 14, the first request for a referendum of shared initiative (RIP) on the reform of pensions, the parliamentarians of the left had deposited a second, which therefore requires another study. On May 3, the Elders will vote on this request, which holds a lot of hope among opponents. In addition, the Socialist deputies and senators have announced their intention to table a text calling for the repeal of the reform.

Friday, September 1: Law Enforcement Day

The law promulgated this Saturday April 15 by Emmanuel Macron must come into force on September 1, 2023. The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, declared that the State services and the pension funds were ready for this date to be effective.
