Pensions: how the left and environmentalists try to exist in the Senate

Pensions how the left and environmentalists try to exist in

After the National Assembly, it is now in the Senate that the pension reform is studied. The text should this time be adopted, the right, majority in the upper house, being favorable to it. But left-wing and environmental groups hope to make themselves heard. And, in the absence of LFI senators, the strategy looks different from that adopted during the examination by the deputies.

It is out of the question to pour into insults and invectives like the Insoumis “: among the senatorial left, the sequence retreats to the National Assembly bristled. There is therefore no question of reproducing the strategy of sound and fury “.We are going to work on the substance and in particular the question of the hidden cost of this reform, the impact on unemployment among seniors “, promises Patrick Kanner, “ but it can be bloody here too “, smiles the boss of the socialist senators,except that it shows less because the carpets are red “.

With nearly 2,000 amendments tabled, Socialists, Communists and Ecologists want, like their fellow MPs, to set the pace of the debates. Example: prevent the study of article 7 on 64 years, before the mobilization of March 7 and put maximum pressure on the government.

Small arrangements with the senatorial right?

During a breakfast with the presidents of the political groups, the head of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, would have given the green light. But in exchange, he demands that the examination of the text go to the end, otherwise he could use his prerogatives to speed up the debates.

Read also : Pension reform in France: in the Senate, the right sets the tempo

“A market” that the Socialists recognize lip service, but which is not unanimous on the left. The president of the environmental group Guillaume Gontard swears that no pact was signed during this meeting and that he did not commit himself to anything, on the contrary warning Gérard Larcher against any excess of authority.

Scores settling between socialists

There are no Nupes in the Senate “: this little sentence from the socialist ranks did not please everyone in the upper house.The Socialists in the Senate settle their accounts with Olivier Faure “Judges an elected environmentalist. A part of the PS senators is indeed hostile to the Nupes as defended by the first secretary, too favorable to the Insoumis according to them.

Some left-wing senators also dream of preventing the final vote. ” This would weaken the reform and increase the chances of its rejection by the Constitutional Council. “Judges the same elected ecologist, without many illusions. But the battle in the Senate could therefore be less muted than expected.

Also to listen: Pension reform: “The debate in the Senate promises to be quieter than in the Assembly”
