Pensions, doctors, spelling: letters from L’Express readers

Pensions doctors spelling letters from LExpress readers

Pensions: the majority is not necessarily right

Claude Renault, Quint-Fonsegrives (Haute-Garonne)

“70% of French people are against pension reform; so it should not be done.” But it is normal that those who are asked to work two more years are against this reform! However, this does not justify its withdrawal, since the general interest and the interest of individuals must not be confused. To the opponents, I ask this simple question. Children who do not want to go to school and prefer to play with their friends are probably the majority: will you agree with them, however? (“We have been bathing for fifty years in extravagant cowardice“, by Nicolas Bouzou, L’Express of April 13).

Let’s reindustrialize France!

Zbigniew Buczko, Semeries (North)

I do not share Jacky Morelet’s ideas. If the role of the President of the Republic is to give priority to the interests of France and to improve the daily life of the French, raising the retirement age to 64 is not a good solution. Since the number of workers has fallen from 5 in 1950 to 1.5 today, the number of jobs must be increased by reindustrialising our country and relocating companies based abroad. (“Letter from readers“, L’Express of April 6).

A tasty portrait

Jean-Claude Albert, Mudaison (Hérault)

I took infinite pleasure in discovering the tasty political portrait of Charles Amédée de Courson, both shadow and light, twirling and straight line. A far-center, iconoclastic and unpredictable MP known more so far for his brilliant financial analyzes and his motion of censure than for his fight, less zigzagging, against the cormorants. Beyond the painting of this personality, thank you especially to the author of the article, Emilie Lanez, for having been able to use such a rich language, at the same time poetic, ironic, and sympathetic. The art of describing a design by a (literary) drawing, as it was said in the Renaissance, is not easy to practice. ChatGPT, with exclusively algorithmic qualities, is (for the moment) not capable of this. (“Courson or Borne’s nightmare“, L’Express of March 23).

The decline of spelling

Pierre Joly, Elancourt (Yvelines)

I react to your article on spelling. I have mail that my grandfather, with only his school certificate, wrote to my father from the trenches in 14-18. There is not a single fault! My father, with the same diploma, also had impeccable spelling and this was not an exceptional case. How did the teachers manage to obtain such results? (“Spelling is key“, April 6 Express).

Substitute physicians

Eric Garnier, Villemomble (Seine-Saint-Denis)

Because it is about Hippocrates and public money, substitute doctors who sometimes receive 4,000 euros for twenty-four hours of work and refuse to come for 1,300 should appear on a “wall of shame” or be struck off. (“Chills in the hospital before the turn of the screw on the medical interim on Monday”on

For capitalization

Denis Alexandre, Caen (Calvados)

Rather than imposing by force (politically speaking) the extension of a pay-as-you-go pension system which is doomed in the medium or long term given the demographic evolution of our country, it would have been wiser to implement place a single capitalization system for everyone (private and public) which would have had the merit, among other things, of being able to have a very useful pool of capital, in particular to participate in the financing of the ecological transition in the coming years. There is a disastrous lack of reflection and anticipation on the part of our political staff and particularly the President of the Republic. (“Political crisis, regime crisis… The entangled president”, L’Express of March 23).

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