The fact that more and more elderly people have incurred debts, and to an even greater extent than before also ended up with Kronofogden, is nothing new.
For many, it is simply difficult to get the pension enough. At the beginning of 2024 reported News24 If the increased number of elderly people who ended up with the authority with debts that grew.
What roads are there then to take if you as a pensioner have debts with the authority? Aftonbladet reports that an income reduction of up to 30 to 40 percent does not facilitate any debt. Especially not at Kronofogden. For some, it may also be that you need to take a drastic action, something the magazine calls “a last resort”, namely to set up and apply for debt restructuring.
They believe that the number of individuals over the age of 65 who applied for debt restructuring only has increased sharply in recent years. At the same time, the number of people who receive the application has been granted has decreased.
– We make an assessment if they can pay their debts themselves, within a foreseeable future. What is a clear time is hard to say. It depends on what the situation looks like. These include the opportunity to increase their income, how long you have left in working life. And if you are retired or older, this foreseeable time can be shorter than for a young person, says Therese Meldhavlawyer at Kronofogden, to the newspaper.
What do you do if the debts surpass your ability to even pay?
One way may be to continue working, as long as possible. Work means more money in each month and more money earned for the total pension.
Another tip is, before applying for debt relief, to take the help of a budget and debt adviser. It is available in all of Sweden’s municipalities and costs for free. Having a budget is also an advantage, then you get to know your income and expenses every month.