Pensioner? This is how you make your mobile easier to handle

Pensioner This is how you make your mobile easier to

In recent decades, digitization has gained considerable momentum. Nowadays, it is more or less impossible to carry out private matters such as paying the rent, bills or shopping online without having an e-ID.

Another change is the development of mobile telephony. It wasn’t long ago that button, slide and folding phones were visible to the vast majority of Swedes. Now it is instead smartphones from the brands Apple and Samsung that dominate the mobile market, both in Sweden and in the world.

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That’s why you should get a senior phone

However, for those who do not have a smartphone, or are able to manage one, there are other options. The fact is that push-button telephones are still manufactured, the difference to the past, however, is that they have now been given the epithet “senior telephones”.

According to the comparison site Senior phones, however, there are several advantages for you as a senior to use one instead of sticking with touch phones.

For one thing, senior phones are easier to use, the buttons are usually larger on brands such as Doro. There are also more advanced senior phones with a touch function, but which differ from other players as they are easier to navigate.

“Other benefits of senior phones are that they sometimes have dedicated speed dial buttons to directly dial preset phone numbers. Some mobile phones also have a security button or SOS button on the outside, if you press it, it calls a number automatically or sends SMS to selected numbers,” they write on their website.

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Photo: Kallestad, GormSenior? This is how you make your iPhone easier to handle

If you’ve reached retirement age and consider yourself a senior who enjoys using an iPhone, there are ways to make that phone more senior-friendly.

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Photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez

Below are six tips on how to make your iPhone suitable for seniors:

1. Activate voiceover

Then you can click on a text that is read out by the phone.

2. Set larger text size

Then you can choose which size you want and all the apps in the phone that support it will then adapt to the size you have chosen.

3. Enable zoom

Then you can double-click with three fingers to zoom in and out and then scroll with three fingers.

4. Set button shapes

Then the buttons in the menu become clearer.

5. Activate Smart inversion

This is done in “Settings” under “Display and text size”. With this on, all colors on the screen change.

6. Reduce movement

In “Settings” select “Accessibility” and then “Motion. With this switched on, you navigate the phone more calmly.

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