There is a declaration fever in the country. But the income declaration is far from the only thing that is important to keep track of 2025. Here you will know what and how things affect you and your wallet.
There is a declaration fever in Sweden. Between March 3 and 7, the Swedish Tax Agency carries out the large Mastodon work by sending out the declaration to all those who have acquired a digital mailbox before March 2.
Therefore, when a large part of Sweden goes in waiting times, it may be good to keep track of the possible bangs that can hit one, especially if you belong to one of the older age groups.
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The tax is raised in 35 municipalities in 2025
In an interview with News24 Namely, account Dan Adolphson Björckpension economist at minpension, for which taxpayers the country’s pensioners should be extra vigilant – they can strike in the declaration that will soon dip into the mailbox but also the coming years’ declaration.
– This year, residents in 35 municipalities receive a higher tax rate, either because the municipality or region has increased the tax. There are also some municipalities that lower. When you are a professional you have a salary from an employer and it is easy to keep track of. As a job sonar or pensioner, the income comes from several different directions, he says, adding that some payers will deduct tax according to tax table and others will deduct 30 percent according to stencil:
– Since the tax deductions are preliminary, you can receive withholding tax if it is deducted too little tax during the year. Therefore, it is important to review how much tax is deducted from the respective income. If payers draw too little tax, it is easy to correct it by hearing from them so that they pull more.
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On the other hand, Adolphson Björck believes that it is a positive change that is going on for those who are 66 years or older. The increased basic deduction and the reinforced job tax deduction rejoice in many people’s wallets in 2025.
– It is even more profitable to work a bit and withdraw pension from this time as the tax drops. In addition, the visibility limit for state income tax has been calculated. But there are relatively few pensioners who have such high incomes that they pay state income tax.
Pensioner? Then financial support stops coming
The advantage after long working life is that in most cases you are covered by insurance and premiums that prevent you from “getting on a bar hill”. But at the age of 66, most of the support you could receive during working life ceases. And in that case it will adversely affect the economy.
– In general, 66 years is the time when many support you can receive during working life ceases and when you can at the same time get all your pension. When the target age is introduced next year, this will be increased to 67 years, says Dan Adolphson Björck.
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Then the compensation will be paid out
However, anyone over 66 is entitled to a sickness benefit -based income as long as you work and are expected to receive income from their job for at least six months ahead. Many are also covered by collective agreements that have similar age limits, he emphasizes.
However, you are not always covered by any protection if you are on sick leave, which can have consequences for you and your private finances.
– If you are over 66 years old, take pensions and lack work income, in most cases you are not covered by any protection during sick leave. The pension is paid in all situations, whether you are healthy or ill.
An example of protection that usually ceases is the sickness benefit, which was previously known as early retirement pension. The maximum amount during 2025 for sickness compensation is SEK 23,777 per month – before tax.
Another compensation is an annuity that replaces any loss of income that has occurred as a result of injury or illness and which originated from work. The maximum amount for annuity 2025 is SEK 36,750 – before tax.
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