Pensioner? Then you can get SEK 1,100 more in your wallet

Pensioner Then you can get SEK 1100 more in your

Ahead of the budget negotiations this autumn, the Ministry of Finance has sent you a series of proposals for reduced taxes.

Whether the government and the Sweden Democrats will proceed with the proposals depends on “the economic situation, the scope for reform and the need for financing.”

– The referrals focus primarily on three areas, continuing to support households and businesses that are having a tough time, increasing the driving forces for saving and working, and making it easier to run a business in Sweden, says the Minister of Finance Elisabeth Svantesson in a press release.

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Minister of Finance Elisabeth Svantesson. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TTReduced employment tax credit in 2025

One of the proposals involves reduced tax for those who work. The reduced employment tax deduction of SEK 1.8 billion means reduced tax by an average of SEK 1,900 per year for those covered.

Read more about the reduced employment tax credit and that the tax is reduced for one million Swedes here.

Most people can count on more money in their wallet next year. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT Reduced tax on pensions

The government also wants to lower the tax on pensions. The increased basic deduction for those who have reached the age of 66 is proposed to be increased by SEK 1.84 billion.

This would mean that the tax is reduced by an average of SEK 1,100 per year for those who have income from work or a pension and are of age.

The changes are proposed to enter into force on 1 January 2025.

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