Pension reform: towards a compulsory medical examination at 61

Pension reform towards a compulsory medical examination at 61

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    On Wednesday, the Minister of Solidarity and Health announced that high-risk occupations will benefit from compulsory and systematic medical monitoring – in order to make possible an early departure.

    Great news for workers in “arduous” occupations. In order to prevent professional wear and tear, the government wants to set up a “compulsory and systematic medical visit“at the age of 61. A measure that will soon be integrated into the arduousness component of the pension reform.

    A possible “early departure” for worn-out workers

    From now on, thanks to a medical opinion, it will be possible to leave earlier“, declared the minister this Wednesday.

    This notice will take the form of a “compulsory and systematic medical visit” with occupational medicine – at the age of 61. It is added to the mid-career visit for an employee – i.e. at the age of 45.

    For the Minister, this initiative is essential to prevent accidents, occupational cancers, depression and other potential effects of work.

    Today, we want to prevent occupational wear and tear. I prefer that we ask ourselves the question during the career of an employee of knowing how to avoid having his back broken rather than seeing the damage at 60 and telling the person that he can leave later early“.

    General practitioner or occupational physician?

    This new system must nevertheless be the subject of discussions. It is quite possible that the attending physician will be in charge of the visit due to the shortage of occupational physicians.

    By 2027, the creation of a one billion euro investment fund should make it possible to finance tools that limit the hardship of work.

    Olivier Véran also underlined that the reform could improve a certain number of existing hardship criteria: it would now be necessary to work 100 nights per year and not 120 (30 nights per year instead of 50 when you are in 3X8) to acquire the points opening right to early retirement.
