Pension reform: the other threat to the text

Pension reform the other threat to the text

They are called the Sages, that is to say if in the current period they do not run the streets. Now that the text reforming pensions is considered adopted, it is the Constitutional Council, seized directly by Elisabeth Borne, which will decide its fate. In two ways. By examining it formally, in particular to determine what actually comes under a social security financing law and what should be considered a “rider”: what about the experimentation of a senior CDI, for example? The members of the Council will also decide on the merits, in one month (eight days when the government asks for urgency).

The calendar is not insignificant in this story. Because another threat hangs over the text. Last week, 185 parliamentarians tabled a bill for a shared initiative referendum. This procedure provides for the possibility of organizing a popular consultation on a bill (“on the initiative of 1/5 of the members of Parliament”, i.e. at least 185 of the 925 parliamentarians and “supported by 1/10 of the voters”, i.e. 4.87 million people, whose signatures must be collected within nine months). Purpose of the text: to propose that the retirement age cannot exceed 62 years.

The Constitutional Council verifies the number of signatory parliamentarians and examines the constitutionality of the bill, before authorizing the collection of signatures. In what order will he act? If the text reforming pensions is promulgated before the validation of the referendum of shared initiative, it cannot be launched, because it “cannot have as its object the repeal of a legislative provision promulgated for less than a year “. Otherwise, it would only be organized if the Assemblies refused, at the end of the procedure, to rule on the bill. The ifs have a good life.
