Pension reform, a thorny issue for the government of Elisabeth Borne

Pension reform a thorny issue for the government of Elisabeth

A major pillar of Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term, pension reform will be on the menu for Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne’s first months in office. Described as thorny and burning, as it divides the political class and unleashes the anger of the unions, the pension reform should quickly be the subject of discussions again with the social partners.

For the moment, no name of minister has been mentioned to carry the pension reform. But it is certain that this file will remain under the leadership of Elisabeth Borne. It is likely that the new Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, will be there, even if the title of his portfolio does not specify it.

This ” good performer », « serious ” and ” discreet “Was not a very prominent minister in Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, since he was confined to technical portfolios. But the ex-socialist, representative of the left wing of Macronie, has earned his stripes as a loyal soldier of the majority.

Raising the retirement age

The only proposal that is not debated is the introduction of a minimum pension of 1,100 euros per month for all those who have not reached a full pension. On the other hand, for the other subjects, the discussions promise to be stormy. The executive wants to abolish the various special regimes for new entrants to the RATP and within the electricity and gas industries.

But above all, he wants to postpone the start of the legal retirement age. Currently set at 62, it could be pushed back to 64, or even 65. To achieve this, the executive would gradually raise the contribution period by four additional months, which triggers the anger of the social partners. They consider this measure unfair.

The dialogue with the unions could begin this summer without dragging on. The roadmap is clear, everything will be done to bring it to fruition quickly.

(eyou with AFP)

►Also listen: Pensions: “As Macron seeks to provoke the French, mobilizations count”
