Penis graffiti to raise awareness of testicular cancer

Penis graffiti to raise awareness of testicular cancer

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    In Chile, graffiti depicting the male genitalia is used to raise awareness about self-examination of the testicles.

    Divert penis graffiti to spread a health message

    Who has never seen male graffiti on a wall, the window of a bus stop or a garage door? From these widespread registrations, people from the National Cancer Institute in Chile have been able to take advantage of them. How? ‘Or’ What ? By using them as a support for benevolent advertising to make a real health campaign.

    This is Creapills, a media renowned for revealing the creative side of artists of all kinds, which relayed the information. The Chilean institute has partnered with the McCann Santiago agency, a marketing and communication company to convey important health messages.

    The principle of graffiti is simple: labels are stuck on the testicles. The sticker includes a yellow or red hand representing a gesture of palpation of the purses. It is a manual movement allowing men to self-palpate this genital area. The objective is actually to make them aware of this gesture in the context of testicular cancer.

    Will this brilliant idea lead to a global awareness campaign?

    These popular and sometimes frowned upon designs are scrawled on exterior surfaces all over the world. The communication agency did not stop there. She makes the sticker available so that everyone can print it, then stick it on the graffiti they encounter on their way. This idea is doubly ingenious, since it can be applied universally in addition to being at a lower cost.

    Consult an oncologist online

    Self-examination for early diagnosis of testicular cancer

    According to the Cancer Research Foundation, testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young adult men, aged between 15 and 35, representing 1 to 2% of cancers in men. The causes triggering the development of this tumor are still poorly defined. Nevertheless, exposure to chemical pollutants present in the environment seems to be one of the most suspected risk factors at present. The second best assessed factor is the presence of a birth defect called cryptorchidism.

    In many diseases, such as testicular cancer, diagnosis is essential. The earlier the pathology is detected, the better the patient’s chances of recovery, in particular by taking less heavy treatment. Testicular cancer does not systematically cause specific symptoms, but it is often revealed by the presence of a hard mass located in the testicle, hence the importance of palpatory examination and self-examination.
