Penile frenulum: anatomy, role, diagram, too short

Penile frenulum anatomy role diagram too short

The frenulum of the penis is a small, very thin membrane that connects the foreskin to the base of the glans. It may be too short in some men causing pain during sexual intercourse or masturbation.

What is the penis frenulum?

“It is a small, very thin membrane, a triangular-shaped fold, which connects the lower part of the foreskin to the base of the glans“, explains Dr. Vincent Hupertan, urologist and member of the Andrology and Sexual Medicine Committee of the French Urology Association.

Anatomy: where is the frenulum of the penis located?

The foreskin is a remnant of skin that covers the glans. “In its lower part, the foreskin has a fold which will be inserted on the underside of the glans near the urethral meatus, specifies Dr. Vincent Hupertan. Depending on the individual, the frenulum of the foreskin is more or less long. Sometimes it is very high, just below the urethral meatus. Inside, there is an artery which, if ruptured, can bleed profusely.

What is the role of the penile frenulum?

The brake plays a role in the sexual stimulation and the triggering ejaculation. Pinching it can thus delay ejaculation during sexual intercourse. On the other hand, it is not erogenous because “the receptors for sexual pleasure are not located in this skin fold but in the glans”, says Dr. Hupertan. Sexual pleasure is thus identical with or without frenum (circumcised men or those who have benefited from surgical frenum plasty). On the other hand, it is very sensitive to touch, therefore handle with cares during oral practices in particular.

Frenum in circumcised men

During circumcision, a procedure which involves removing the foreskin, the frenulum of the penis is cut. This definitely protects them from brake failure.

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If during masturbation, with the penis erect, you notice that it pulls at the frenulum or that the glans tilts downwards like a “Concorde” nose, it is because the frenulum is rather short. Consult a urologist in case of pain and discomfort.

What to do in case of bleeding?

This area is bleeding profusely. The good reflex is therefore to apply pressure with a clean cloth or gauze for several minutes to stop the bleeding, then clean with soap and water. Then make an appointment with your doctor to ensure that the healing is done correctly. During the healing period, abstinence is obligatory otherwise it will re-trigger the bleeding.

Thanks to Dr. Vincent Hupertan, urologist and member of the Andrology and Sexual Medicine Committee of the French Association of Urology.
