Penalties became clear in the decision of “6 months and 6 thousand kilometers” in the car

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The punishment to be given to those who do not comply with the rule set for the decision of “6 months and 6 thousand kilometers” in the car, which became official last week, has been determined.

Automotive writer Emre Cheese, who was the first to announce this development, continues to follow the process. Cheesemaker this time here focused on the punishment of the decision taken in his news and drew attention by quoting the following: “2. The penalty for the prohibition of ‘not selling 6 months and 6 thousand km’ imposed on companies engaged in hand trade is only 8.400 TL. You did not misread; EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TURKISH LIRA. According to the regulation, which I learned is subject to retail law, the penalty could be increased up to 5 times for authorized dealers. Of course, the sensitive point here is that notaries allow this sale. It ends when he refuses to give. If the notaries turn a blind eye to the 6 months and 6 thousand km limitation and approve the sale of the vehicle, what is a fine of 8,400 TL for 2nd hand companies!! 5 times for authorized dealers 42 thousand TL It doesn’t even mean much to your vehicle.

Emre Ozpeynirci, In his previous post, “I’ve heard that some automotive companies just ‘Those engaged in the trade of second-hand motor vehicles‘, they established new companies (construction, etc.) and planned to buy and sell as easily as individuals. So the work continues through the 2nd and 3rd persons!!he made the claim. If this is true”6 months and 6 thousand kilometersThere are plans to get around the ” border and it looks like one more update is needed to prevent this.

Mehmet Mus, Minister of Tradefor the kidnappers “After the first registration, companies, galleries, renters They will not be able to sell the new vehicles they bought without exceeding 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers. had made the statement. Speaking on the subject at the Turkish Export Mobilization Summit in Kayseri, Muş said, “You see, there are new used vehicle ads.

Therefore, a new vehicle is bought and sold with a larger figure. There is a situation that triggers each other in automobile prices. We prepared the regulation. After the first registration companies, galleries, rentacars We impose a restriction on the sale of new vehicles purchased for 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers.

Get those who really need it.. So it will be really second hand. If there are issues such as determining common prices or manipulating the market in companies, it is the task of the Competition Board and it opens an investigation and examines it. If there is a mistake, it does what is necessary, otherwise it closes. We think that after the regulation is published, citizens will have more primary access. We will not be faced with an advertisement as second hand zero” had made a statement.

It was published in the official newspaper last week. the purpose with the decision taken only for companies, to prevent opportunists and investment areas that raise the market. The published decision was exactly as follows:


ARTICLE 1- The following provisional article has been added to the Regulation on the Trade of Second-Hand Motor Vehicles published in the Official Gazette dated 13/2/2018 and numbered 30331.

“Marketing and sales restriction


(1) Those engaged in the trade of second-hand land vehicles, the marketing or sale of automobiles and land vehicles, starting from the date of first registration. until six months and six thousand kilometers have passed It cannot directly or indirectly before 1/7/2023. The Ministry is authorized to extend this date up to six months.

(2) In the event that automobiles and land vehicles registered before the effective date of this article on behalf of those engaged in the trade of second-hand motor land vehicles are marketed or sold until 15/9/2022, the first paragraph shall not be applied.

ARTICLE 2- This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication. ARTICLE 3- The provisions of this Regulation are executed by the Minister of Commerce.”

In the meantime, another automobile-oriented statement came yesterday. located in the world who made a written statement according to the news Nureddin Nabati, Stating that they are extremely determined to fight the informal economy, “Thanks to our RADAR system, we perform systematic and detailed analyzes of financial and financial data, and we carry out our work with great care. As in the real estate sector, we will not give an opportunity to those who disrupt the supply-demand balance by making artificial price increases in the vehicle sector.” said. In this context, Nebati is the one who buys and sells more than a certain number of vehicles without being liable, causes exorbitant price increases in the second-hand vehicle market and creates an informal economy. It was reported that 100 thousand people were caught on the radar of the Ministry.

In addition to this, Nebati informed that they have made detailed determinations about dealers, dealers and people who buy and sell new and used vehicles, and said, “We have started to take necessary actions against real and legal persons who do not fulfill their tax obligations and cause speculation in the market. Field inspections are also continuing,” he said.
