Pelosi has landed in Taiwan! Threat from China to the USA: Don’t even think about it

Pelosi has landed in Taiwan Threat from China to the

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi paid a visit to Taiwan, which China considers its territory. While the visit caused tensions to rise in the region, Pelosi became the first Speaker of the US House of Representatives to visit Taiwan in 25 years. China, which took its military activities to the next level, condemned Pelosi’s visit. “US should not even consider preventing China’s reunification” made the statement. On the other hand, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi was awarded the “Medal of Honor” by the island authorities during her visit to Taiwan.


According to the statement of the General Administration of Customs of China, citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemon and orange, as well as white hairtail and horse mackerel fish from Taiwan are banned from entering the mainland.

It was stated that the ban decision was taken in accordance with the relevant regulations and food safety conditions, and all customs units were requested to stop accepting import notifications in the decision warning.

The statement made no mention of Pelosi’s visit and the possible associated economic sanctions.


As part of her visit, Pelosi met with Taiwan’s leader Tsai Ing-wen this morning with her 5-member congressional delegation.

During the meeting, Tsai presented Pelosi with the Republic of China’s medal of honor and special ribbon, called the “Auspicious Clouds Order”, which she claims is the continuation of the Taiwanese government.

The Taiwan leader thanked Pelosi and her delegation for concretely demonstrating Taiwan’s presence on the air at a critical time and for expressing US support for Taiwan’s self-defense.


Emphasizing that Taiwan will not bow to China’s increasing military threats, Tsai said, “We will resolutely protect our country’s sovereignty, while at the same time defending the line in the name of democracy.” said.

Pelosi, on behalf of Congress, thanked Tsai for the honor bestowed on her, saying, “US solidarity with Taiwan is vital. Our commitment to preserving democracy in Taiwan and the rest of the world has not changed. Our visit has made it clear that the US has not abandoned its promise of support for Taiwan. ” said.


On the other hand, according to a statement from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Wang argued that Pelosi’s visit, despite all warnings and protests from China, was a deliberate political provocation that maliciously violated China’s sovereignty.

Emphasizing that the visit caused anger among the Chinese people, Vang said, “(Pelosi’s visit) once again proves that some US politicians are ‘creating problems’ in China-US relations, while the US is the ‘greatest failure’ of peace and regional stability in the Taiwan Strait. has become the ‘maker’.” used the phrase.


Pointing out that the “one China” principle is the basic norm governing international relations and one of the main elements of the post-World War II international order, Vang said:

“The United States should not even think about preventing China’s reunification. Taiwan is part of China, China’s reintegration is the trend of time and the inevitable result of history. China will never compromise Taiwan’s independence powers and foreign interventions.”

Stating that the Taiwan problem is the product of a period when China was weak and in turmoil, and that it will end with the national revival, Vang said, “No matter how much the United States supports the forces defending Taiwan’s independence, its efforts will be in vain. It won’t do anything but add more pages.” made its assessment.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that it condemned the visit, in a statement made just after Pelosi’s plane landed in Taiwan last night.

The State Department also protested the Washington administration by calling the US Ambassador to Beijing, Nicholas Burns, to the ministry.

China’s Ministry of Defense has also announced that it will hold “a series of military exercises” around the island.


82-year-old Pelosi’s planned visit to Taiwan in April was canceled on the grounds that she caught Kovid-19.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned at the time that Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan would mean “crossing the red line” defined by the “one China” principle.

Pelosi became the first Speaker of the US House of Representatives to visit the Island in 25 years. Earlier in 1997, Newt Gingrich had visited Taiwan while on this mission.

Source: AA
