Pelle Lilja’s death notice from home during Robinson 2022

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Pelle Lilja receives a call from his wife Annika, where she tells him that Pelle’s father-in-law only has weeks left to live. His father-in-law, whom he also describes as his good friend, was diagnosed with cancer even before Pelle left to record Robinson, but Pelle thought he would make it to the recordings before the situation became critical.

– Now it turns out that there is not much left, only weeks. Maybe one, maybe four. But somewhere in between, says Pelle.

“Want to be close to those who are going through the same thing”

– I am someone who very much wants to be close to those who are going through the same thing as me, who share the grief, says Pelle without giving any information about whether he intends to leave Robinson and go home to his family.

In the clip above, you can hear Pelle tell about the message he received from home.
