Pekka Toveri: “Ukraine’s most successful strike to date, immediately affects Russia’s performance”

Pekka Toveri Ukraines most successful strike to date immediately affects

Ukraine destroyed at least four Russian transport planes with a drone attack early Wednesday.

Early on Wednesday, Ukraine struck the Pskov airport in Russia devastatingly. According to Russia, four Ilyushin IL-76 transport planes were destroyed in the attack. Pskov is located near the Estonian border, and it is about 700 kilometers from Ukraine.

The Ilyushin 76 is a large aircraft designed in the Soviet Union, which is used, among other things, to transport soldiers. The machine type is used especially by the Russian landing forces, and light armored vehicles can also be dropped from it.

Former intelligence chief of the Defense Forces Pekka Toveri says it’s a significant blow. Comrade is a parliament member of the coalition.

– If the preliminary information about the four destroyed planes is correct, then it is Ukraine’s most successful strike to date. Such a number immediately affects Russia’s performance, says Toveri.

According to the comrade, the attack will force Russia to take action. Russia will have to move the planes further from their normal bases, or else Russia will have to invest heavily in protecting airports, Toveri says.

It would mean that Russia would have to move its anti-aircraft equipment away from the front. Both options weaken Russia’s performance.

Ukraine has previously struck Russia just as far. However, the strike on Pskov is different because it means drones have flown across the whole of Belarus. Another option is that the attacks were carried out by special forces from inside Russia.

– I would believe that Ukraine has a good situational picture of the air defense grouping of Russia and Belarus. Both options are demanding to implement, says Toveri.

The proximity of the Estonian border also raises the possibility that the drones have been sent from Estonia. However, according to the friend, it is not likely.

– I don’t think that the Estonian government would take a risk by allowing this kind of activity in its own territory. It could almost be considered an act of war, says Toveri.

Ukraine has fired at the beginning of the war of aggression against Russia reportedly one Il-76 plane. There were paratroopers on board, and shooting down the plane could affect Russia’s offensive plans at a critical moment.

Drone attacks took place early Wednesday in other parts of Russia as well. Videos of objects smoking have been shared on the instant messaging service X (formerly Twitter). The Russian armed forces say they have shot down three Ukrainian drones in the Bryansk region and two in the Oryol region.

In Moscow, authorities temporarily suspended flights at Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo airports.

Russia also attacked Ukraine with missiles and drones at night. In Kiev, two people were killed in a Russian attack. Ukraine has also announced that air defense destroyed twenty targets in the air.
