Pekka Toveri believes that Russia’s threat of nuclear weapons will make China growl

Pekka Toveri believes that Russias threat of nuclear weapons will

Russia’s talk about withdrawing from Kherson may be true, the former intelligence chief of the Defense Forces believes.

Russia’s harsh nuclear rhetoric has hardly been heard in recent days.

Former intelligence chief of the Defense Forces Pekka Toveri believes that China’s tight-lipped attitude has a role in the quieting of the scandal.

– Russia has few friends. China is an important supporter of Russia, even if it does not fully support Russia, for example in terms of weapons or material, Toveri says in a Radio Suomen daily.

President of China Xi Jinping took a stand on the threat of nuclear weapons in early November in Beijing, the German Chancellor By Olaf Scholz in connection with the meeting.

– The international community should oppose the use of nuclear weapons or the threat of their use, Xi said, according to the Chinese news agency Xinhua.

According to the news agency, Xi continued that “nuclear weapons must not be used and nuclear wars must not take place in order to prevent a nuclear crisis in Eurasia.”

“China is weaker in nuclear weapons”

The comment was interpreted as a warning from the Russian president to Vladimir Putin. For example online newspaper The Politico (you are moving to another service) described the statement as Xi’s most direct criticism of Putin to date.

– What China says is of great importance (to Russia) and certainly has an effect on the fact that the waving of the nuclear weapons card and the rhetoric have clearly diluted, Toveri believes.

Comrade points out that the use of nuclear weapons is in no way in China’s interests.

– China is weaker than the United States and Russia in terms of nuclear weapons. China has no desire for the use of nuclear weapons to become the new normal.

China’s role in Russia’s economy is now emphasized, especially in energy trade, when the flow of gas to EU countries freezes.

Read more: Wall Street Journal: China is now accelerating its nuclear program

One can believe in retreat speeches

Russia announced on Wednesday that it will withdraw its troops from the occupied Kherson region. Ukraine has doubted Russia’s words.

Toveri also states that Russia’s statements are generally not to be trusted.

– But in this case, I think they can be trusted.

– The military situation is simply so difficult for Russia that it cannot hold the north side of the Dnieper without a great risk of losing troops and equipment.

According to Tover, on the west side of the Dnieper, there are currently Russia’s best forces, especially landing forces. You don’t want to lose them.

According to Tover, getting Kherson back for Ukraine would be a big psychological victory and a demonstration to Western countries that it is worth continuing to support Ukraine.
