Pehrson: “People who do not take the educational task very seriously will find it difficult”

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Several school groups have invested heavily in growth and have been listed on the stock market in recent years, but now the government wants to lower their school fees from the same as the municipal schools to 85 percent. Among other things, they want to prevent situations where owners withdraw profits already in the first year.

– We think the money should be in the school. People should not start schools to make quick financial cuts, says Johan Pehrson.

“Sick system”

Nooshi Dadgostar (V) believes that it will not solve the basic problem and wants to ban profit withdrawal in the independent schools.

– We have a sick and harmful school system in Sweden. That the school money is taken from the students instead of going to the students is what the system is all about. That is why no other country in the world has followed the Swedish model, she says.

According to Pehrson, the government’s reorganization of the independent schools will make it more difficult to distribute profits if you do not have quality and important support functions in the school and teaching.

– Other governments have said these words, but you don’t get to the bottom of the underlying profit interest. For these students, it is not important that the company makes a profit, i.e. that our money should go to waffle houses or an archipelago plot. As long as there are students who do not pass school, the resources must go there, says Nooshi Dadgostar.

Must be able to reclaim money

According to Johan Pehrson, the government wants to be able to recover money from owners when it has been shown that school operations have not met the standard and more measures must be taken to keep “fortune seekers” away from the school, but that serious actors should be able to remain.

– People who do not take the educational task very seriously will have a hard time and may have to stop their business, says Johan Pehrson.
