Pedro Castillo more than ever criticized in Peru

Pedro Castillo more than ever criticized in Peru

The Peruvian president, targeted by five judicial investigations, delivered a speech on Thursday, July 28 on the occasion of the national holiday, which coincided with the first anniversary of his inauguration.

A year after coming to power, Peruvian President Pedro Castillo is only broadcasting ” no self-criticism “. This is what appears on the front page of the conservative newspaper El Comercio. The left-wing president Pedro Castillo has ” no explanation given about corruption cases, denounces the Peruvian newspaper. ” If the government is on the precipice today “, still considers the daily in its editorial, it is because it has welcomed into its midst ” mediocrity, opacity and corruption “. More than 120 associations are calling for new general elections to get the country out of the crisis, recalls La Republicaanother Peruvian daily.

L’Ecatholic church gets involved too

The archbishop of Lima celebrated a mass on Thursday for the national holiday, which was attended by part of the political class. Carlos Castillo denounced the ” corruption » and even the « mafias in the political world, underlines the newspaper correspondent El País. The Spanish daily also publishes a column by a Peruvian political analyst. For Gonzalo Banda, the Peruvian president is a populist “, but “ without the support of the people ». Three-quarters of Peruvians do not support his government, according to polls. And according to this forum, he is ” hard to find a more nefarious troop than that of the ministers chosen by Pedro Castillo, who sacked more than fifty in a year of presidency. The left-wing government is getting closer less than Karl Marx “than American comedy” Groucho Marx Concludes Gonzalo Banda.

In Argentina, a “super minister” of the Economy in the face of the crisis

His name is Sergio Massa. He was previously President of the Chamber of Deputies. His photo appears in one of all the Argentine newspapers. “Super Minister”, because he takes over several portfolios at the same time: Economy, Production and Agriculture. Page 12 even made a Photo montage : Sergio Massa appears in baker’s clothes, his hands in the dough. Because, in Spanish, its name is pronounced exactly the same as the dough (for bread, for pie, for pizza…). Or trouble, some would say. Sergio Massa indeed arrives in government in the midst of a political and economic crisis. President Alberto Fernández is under pressure from part of his coalition, led by his vice-president Cristina Kirchner (who led the country from 2007 to 2015). While the agreement made with the IMF by the former Minister of the Economy to stabilize the country’s economy weighs on the purchasing power of the most modest.

In a column in the newspaper Page 12, journalist and lawyer Mario Wainfeld highlights the fragility of Alberto Fernández’s power. “ There was no presidenthe tackles, now there is some sort of prime minister “, a figure who does not normally exist in Argentina, and who, according to him, comes to fill a political void that was no longer tenable.

15 dead in floods in Kentucky, USA Eunited states

The rains are unusual for this season in this state in the middle of the United States. This Thursday, they reached an unprecedented intensity, according to a meteorological expert quoted by the Lexington Herad Leadera local newspaper. Striking images of the floods are displayed on his site, and the governor specifies that the number of deaths could be twice as high as that announced for the moment.

However, the rain should stop falling on Friday and Saturday. The local governor, however, warns that the grounds are saturated with water and that residents must remain vigilant.
