Pediatricians are calling for clips of newborn babies via social media

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– When I’m in labor and see that a baby doesn’t need my help, I usually steal the father’s mobile phone and film the first few minutes. Partly because it’s fun for the mother to see, and to have in the future, says Pelle Baeck, who is a pediatrician at Region Kalmar County.

Pelle Baeck says he has filmed hundreds of clips and a few years ago he wrote a song about childbirth.

– It’s a song about the feelings that arise when you have your first child. My friend helped me sing the song, says Pelle Baeck.

Want to draw attention to the women’s clinic

In social media, he is now looking for some of these clips. So far, he has received around five and the purpose of the video is to give the staff at the women’s clinic attention.

– My idea is to show the amazing things that the staff at the women’s clinic do and to inspire, says Pelle Baeck, who himself works as a pediatrician in Region Kalmar County.
