Peas, when and how to sow them?

Peas when and how to sow them

Crunchy, sweet and harbingers of spring, peas are very popular vegetables on our plates. Simple to grow, start sowing in February to harvest the first peas from June.

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Whether rowing, dwarfs or mangetout, all peas are sown at the start of the year to enjoy them in the spring. Small early vegetables par excellence, grow these vegetables directly in the vegetable garden.

When to sow peas?

Peas (Pisum sativum) are sown directly in place because they do not like transplanting. Start your sowing in February and finish in June. Stagger sowing sessions to prolong harvests. In regions with winters mild, you can bring forward sowing between October and November.

How to sow peas?

The peas appreciate a light soil and a location in the Sun. Before sowing the seeds, test the germinative powers of your seeds by soaking them in a bowl of water at room temperature. After an hour, discard any floating seeds as they will not germinate. Here are the key steps to successfully plant peas:

  • work the soil well vegetable garden so that it is light;
  • draw a furrow 5 centimeters deep using a chalk line and a tool handle;
  • keep a space of 30 cm between two rows;
  • place a seed every 3 centimeters;
  • cover with a thin layer of soil then tamp down with the rake.

After 10 to 15 days, you will see the young plants point the end of their nose.

How to maintain the seedling of peas?

Seedlings are highly coveted by birds, fond of the seeds. Once the seed has been sown, lay down a protective net or branches to prevent the seed from being looted.

Peas do not appreciate periods of drought so always maintain a cool ground but not wet. Mulch if necessary with straw or dried grass clippings. It is essential that the plants receive enough water after flowering, when the seeds will form. Mound the rows when the plants have five leaves, to be renewed regularly in order to properly support each foot. With a towel or a hoe, raise the earth about 10 centimeters high around each foot. Raise the peas on branches or a net that will serve as a stake. For tall varieties, place tall stakes. Binez and weed the rows regularly to aerate the soil and prevent weeds from invading the peas.

Depending on the variety sown, count between three and four months after sowing, the growth period and flowering to harvest the first pods that contain peas.

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