Peak of cases of covid, psych sessions reimbursed … the announcements of Olivier Véran

Peak of cases of covid psych sessions reimbursed the announcements

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    Guest of France Info this Wednesday, March 16, the Minister of Health and Solidarity mentioned an increase in contamination of Covid cases, the reception of sick children fleeing Ukraine and the establishment of a system to improve the psychological care of the French.

    An increase in the number of Covid-19 cases is expected

    While the lifting of restrictions began last Monday, Olivier Véran returned to the Covid-19 epidemic during his interview. And despite an epidemic rebound expected over the next two weeks, the Minister of Health believes that he has taken “the right decision” as to this reduction in the various health protocols.

    Indeed, according to him,Contaminations will rise again for 10-15 days“. To confirm his statements, he takes up the different scenarios developed by the Institut Pasteur, which indicates “that indeed it will go up until the end of March, we risk reaching 120,000 / 150,000 contaminations per day, and then we expect a decrease”. For the time being, Olivier Véran wants to be reassuring, because hospital services are not saturated.

    On the other hand, this rise in the number of cases was rather predictable, “we knew there would be a risk of a rebound”. This situation is also similar in other European countries. The Minister cites Germany and Italy as examples, countries in which restrictions are still maintained (FFP2 mask, health pass, etc.) while populations are also facing a resurgence of the epidemic.

    As for possible new strains of the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus, Olivier Véran affirms that he “there is no dangerous new variant circulating today“. However, the French government continues to encourage “fragile people to continue to wear the mask”.

    Welcoming the sick and injured Ukrainians, especially children

    It has been nearly three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine. There are many injured or sick people and France wants to provide them with support and care. Places are freed up in hospitals, because “We are mobilizing to be able to recover and transfer from Poland, in particular children with cancer“. And to add that “Within 24 or 48 hours, the first Ukrainian children from Poland should arrive in France“.

    The mobilization of European governments is essential, because this “european solidarity” Allow to have “coordination and [de] to ensure that no sick or injured person from Ukraine goes unsolved“, explained Olivier Véran. Indeed, the Ukrainian Minister of Health would have declared that “30 health facilities [ont été] bombed [et] 7 hospitals [ont été] wiped off the map” in Ukraine.

    Blood donation open to homosexual people without restriction

    This Wednesday, March 16 marks the possibility for homosexual people to donate their blood, unconditionally. This decision, which was announced on January 11, puts an end to all discrimination.

    Until then, homosexuals were subject to a period of sexual abstinence of 4 months, to avoid any risk of transmission of AIDS. Today, the conditions are the same as for heterosexual people, in particular the obligation of monogamy during the previous 4 months. This change in selection criteria will allow thousands of additional donors to donate blood.

    Consult a GP online

    Free psychological consultations

    Olivier Véran returned to the device “My shrink”. The latter consists of better taking care of children, adolescents and adults who need psychological care. In effect, “from April 5“next and”on medical referral”, a person will be able to benefit from eight sessions with a psychologist, reimbursed “by the common law system, i.e. health and complementary health insurance“.

    The Minister of Health welcomes this “considerable progress for access to psychological and psychic care“, because France had “late on that“. According to him, this device will concern “tens, hundreds of thousands of French“, he confided to France Info.
