peaceful march in Sarajevo after murder of woman posted on Instagram

peaceful march in Sarajevo after murder of woman posted on

Thousands of people demonstrated on August 14 in Sarajevo and in the main cities of Bosnia, after the assassination, broadcast live on social networks, of three people in the city of Gradacac, in the north-east of the country. The murderer, who committed suicide, attacked his partner and relatives.

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From our regional correspondent, Laurent Rouy

Demonstrations against feminicides and violence against women were held in Sarajevo and other towns in Bosnia. They occur after a news item broadcast live on Instagram. The assault and then the murder of Nizama Hecimovic, 37, by her former boyfriend, a 35-year-old bodybuilder.

The latter also killed a father and his son, then injured three people, including a policeman, before committing suicide. The victim, attacked for the first time a few days before the assassination, had fled to cousins, but had been found, then kidnapped by the killer.

According to the Bosnian media, thousands of Internet users would have followed this macabre direct and some of them would have even given their support to the assassin.

For the demonstrators, the Bosnian society, very patriarchal, is in question. Even judges and police turn a blind eye to this violence. Protesters spoke of another feminicide, committed after the killer was reported to the police 150 times. In the country, 48% of women have already suffered some form of intimate partner violence, while around 20 women have died in the past two years.
