PC games left the consoles behind

PC games left the consoles behind

The PC gaming industry has earned 220 %more revenue in the last 10 years compared to consoles. This growth changed the balances in the game world.

In the last 10 years PC The games had a great economic superiority against the console sector. According to a newly released EPylion report, PC games have achieved a remarkable success by earning 220 %more in consumer income. The slowdown of console sales and the flexibility advantages of the PC platform are among the main reasons for this increase in income.

The rise of PC games and the stagnation of the consoles

The EPylion report reveals that the interest in PC games has increased significantly in recent years and that the revenues of the console platforms have been a relatively stagnation. The main factors in the rise of the PC are considered backward compatibility, the possibility of optimizing users’ game performance, and a large game library.

The report stated that PC games gained momentum, especially in the post -2021 period. Despite the limited hardware updates of the consoles, the PC platform offers a constant renewable infrastructure. This causes players to shift their preference to the PC. In addition, the late release of games -specific games for console platforms is considered as a factor that does not prevent the growth of PC acting.

The report emphasizes that PC games generate 220 %more income compared to console games. This stands out as a data that reinforces the PC’s economic leadership in the game industry. The slowness of the growth rate of the console market shows that this difference will be opened.

Experts associate this success of the PC with its flexibility and performance advantages to players. For example, PC users can adjust graphic quality, square speed and other technical details to their needs. In addition, the growth of the e-sports sector and the fact that the PC is a preferred platform for competitive games plays an important role in the increase in income.
