Pays SEK 784 million to victims of Jeffrey Epstein

Deutsche Bank has agreed to pay the equivalent of SEK 784 million to victims of the deceased American financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
The bank has been sued for facilitating Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring with underage girls.

Deutsche Bank must pay 75 million dollars (784 million kroner) after the accusations that the bank did business with Epstein, fully aware that he used his assets in the bank to finance sex trafficking.

An anonymous woman under the fictitious name “Jane Doe” filed the lawsuit against the banking giant last year. The woman is one of many who accuse the bank of participating in a five-year business relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, while he used money from the bank to further his sex trade.

Ignored warning signals

In the lawsuit, the woman claims that she was sexually assaulted by the American financier and criminal Jeffrey Epstein, and that she was also subjected to the same treatment by his friends for several years.

The suit alleges that Deutsche Bank ignored clear warning signs, where funds from Epstein’s bank accounts were used to pay young women for coercive sexual acts.

On June 6, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting several girls between 2002 and 2005. Together with his former girlfriend, he is suspected of recruiting underage girls for prostitution, which is said to have mainly taken place on his private island in the Caribbean.

Jeffrey Epstein was charged with trafficking and risked up to 45 years in prison when he took his own life in the cell in New York in 2019. It is one of the world’s most high-profile sex crime scandals and Epstein’s acquaintances included names such as Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.
