Pay attention to these while eating at iftar! It can cause a heart attack…

Pay attention to these while eating at iftar It can

Especially sick people should be careful while fasting and breaking the fast in Ramadan. Heart patients who want to fast need to get the doctor’s approval first.


It is not recommended for people with heart failure requiring the use of multiple drugs, those who have had a new heart attack in the last year, those who have uncontrolled complaints due to heart disease, those who use blood thinners due to an increased risk of stroke, and those with uncontrolled hypertension.

If the patient has received permission from his doctor that he can fast, he should pay attention to what he eats in sahur and iftar. For example, animal fats should not be consumed in iftar and sahur. The meal can be started with soup or a light breakfast. Then, plenty of juicy, vegetable foods can be consumed. In addition to liquid foods, milk, yogurt, cheese and fiber foods that are eaten in moderation also keep blood sugar balanced and delay hunger.

Experts emphasize that it is dangerous to eat fatty and large amounts of fast food after a long fasting during Ramadan. Eating this way increases the workload of the heart by increasing the amount of blood flowing to the stomach and intestinal tract, and this can result in a heart attack. Those with heart disease can divide the amount of food they need to take between iftar and sahur.

If nothing else is recommended by the doctor, it is stated by experts that daily water consumption should be 2 liters. In addition, this amount should be divided between sahur and iftar. It is emphasized that patients with hypertension and known cardiovascular disease under drug treatment should pay attention to this issue.
