Pay attention to the use of yellow serum in the flu! ‘Do not want serum if you have these symptoms’

Dr. Gökmen Erendor, Seasonal flu And by making important statements about the wrong treatment methods, he warned citizens against the yellow serum, especially known as atoms. Erendor emphasized that the disease was more common at the end of autumn, winter and at the beginning of spring, and said that the period between the beginning of October and the end of March is the most risky time period in terms of flu.

He drew attention to risk groups

Dr. Erendor said that the general community has a risk of influenza, but some age and health groups are at more risk. Dr. Erendor, especially babies under 2 years of age, individuals over the age of 65, chronic kidney, heart and lung patients, obese individuals and nursing homes living in the elderly more affected by influenza, he said.

Flu symptoms

Patients with the most high fever with the complaint of health institutions transferred to Dr .. Erendor, 38 degrees in addition to the fever of sore throat, weakness, fatigue, dry cough, nose discharge, tear, sneezing and joint-muscle pains are among the common symptoms, he said.

Yellow serum warning

Recently, he has warned against some practices recommended as flu treatment on social media. Erendor, such applications are not recommended by the Ministry of Health, he said. Erendor, “As we see on social media, we know that these applications lead to serious permanent health problems and even death in some patients,” he said.

Erendor said that patients should be treated under the control of physicians instead of turning to such treatments, “Please do not demand yellow serum or atomic application with weakness, fatigue, light fever or flu symptoms,” he said.

“Antibiotic use is absolutely wrong”

Stating that the use of antibiotics in the treatment of flu is absolutely no place. Erendor, the most important element for the prevention and spread of the disease is personal hygiene, he said. He emphasized that both patients and healthy individuals should wash their hands with plenty of water and soap to prevent the spread of the disease.

