Pay attention to the line on the earlobe! Indicates the risk of dangerous disease

Pay attention to the line on the earlobe Indicates the

Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Kevser Gülcihan Balcı is a scientist who has different depth levels in the earlobe, usually at a diagonal 45-degree angle, and is named after Dr. who developed this theory in 1973. Sanders shared information about whether the line named after T. Frank is a sign of cardiovascular diseases.

Pointing out that in the period when methods such as heart tomography and ECG were not sufficiently developed, heart diseases were tried to be detected by looking at some physical changes and one of them was the “Frank line”, Balcı explained that scientific studies were later carried out on the line in question.

Prof. Dr. Balcı said, “Frank’s line is a diagonal line on the earlobe. It may not attract much attention in our daily lives, but there are studies conducted in the past regarding this. In these studies, it was reported that people with Frank’s line have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.” he said.


Emphasizing that although there is a causality, it is not an indicator alone, Balcı continued as follows:

“The theory about the Frank line is that the tissues that form the structural integrity of the earlobe are related to a similar structure in the aorta and heart valves. Therefore, it is stated that the deformation in the earlobe may actually be an indicator of the deformation in the heart tissues. However, a clear scientific connection has not been established. “


Pointing out that patients are evaluated not according to a single physical finding, but according to other accompanying diseases and laboratory values, Balcı continued his words as follows:

“So the presence of this line cannot be a source of concern on its own, nor should its absence be seen as a reason for relief. When assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease, we take into account not a single physical finding, but many factors. Chief among these are hypertension, diabetes, smoking, first Cardiovascular disease that occurs at an early age, cholesterol, advanced age, and not adopting an active lifestyle are the most common causes.

Therefore, just the line on the earlobe cannot tell us whether the person has cardiovascular disease or not. “Those with such a line should not panic immediately; if they really want to know what their individual cardiac risks are, they can consult a specialist physician.”


– “Diabetics have a much higher risk”

Prof. Dr. Balcı stated that diabetes is an important risk factor especially for cardiovascular diseases and said, “The risk of diabetic patients in terms of cardiovascular diseases is much higher than the general population. Therefore, it is important for those diagnosed with diabetes to undergo a cardiology examination. Even if there is no abnormality in the examinations.” “I recommend that they be evaluated periodically by a cardiologist once a year.” he said.

Explaining that men under the age of 50, and women who have first-degree family relatives who have undergone operations such as pre-menopausal, early age, heart attack, or “bypass” surgery, should be evaluated cardiologically, Balcı said, “Also, those whose first-degree family relatives were diagnosed with coronary artery disease at an early age should also be evaluated.” “We also recommend that they be investigated for high cholesterol, which we call ‘familial hypercholesterolemia’.” He made a statement.

heart health

– The key to maintaining heart health is a healthy life and balanced diet.

Prof. Dr. Balcı emphasized that a healthy life and balanced diet are the key to protecting heart health and said:

“Everything we eat affects us. Therefore, first of all, healthy nutrition needs to be made a life routine. As stated many times in the guide for preventing cardiac diseases, it is important to adopt a Mediterranean type diet, based on green vegetables and olive oil. Regular exercise is also a part of this process. At least once a week Brisk walking can be done for 30-50 minutes for 3-5 days. Smoking is a factor that should definitely be avoided.


Additionally, underlying diseases such as diabetes and hypertension need to be modified. Because uncontrolled diabetes is unfortunately one of the factors that most accelerate the narrowing of the vascular walls, which we call ‘atherosclerosis’. “It is of great importance to keep the sugar and blood pressure levels of these patients under control.”

Prof. Dr. Balcı stated that stress also poses a risk for cardiovascular diseases and said, “We must stay away from stress as much as possible in order to extend our life.” said. (AA)

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