In the month of Ramadan, 14 hours a day in the thirst situation, some people increase the risk of kidney stone formation increases in sahur and iftar times should be taken care of sufficient water consumption should be taken into consideration. Dr. Burak Canver, “Ramadan, long hunger and thirst during the month of Ramadan is always at the risk of threatening kidney health. Especially elderly, cardiovascular problems, high blood sugar and blood pressure due to a large number of drugs and already a certain degree of kidney disease, this risk is more attention. Therefore,” he says.
Pay attention to the purchase of fluid between iftar and sahur
Uz. Dr. Burak Canver, iftar and sahur between the emphasis should be given importance to the purchase of fluids listed what should be considered;
“Especially in the sahur urine -enhancing foods and beverages can increase the risk of stone formation by leaving the person thirsty. In addition, it is very important to reduce daily activities in hot hours, to avoid heavy jobs and salt consumption. The consumption of unknown content should be avoided. tea And coffee such as drinks, tomatoes, eggplant and garlic should not be consumed much because it will increase thirst. Even if caffeine -containing beverages are to be consumed, water needs to be increased. “