Dental stones formed as a result of bacteria as a plaque in the form of plaques affect patients both functionally and aesthetically. Dt. Oguz Selim Yardimci, hard brushing and toothpick use often ignored, deepening the pockets formed in the event of withdrawal of dental stones in this case, said the root surface should be cleaned. Dental Stating that the cleaning will be useful, “Dental flower control should be done every 6 months,” he said.
“Micro cracks may occur if exaggerated”
Dt Dt said that during the cleaning of the dental, it sometimes occurs due to the desire of the patients, and that micro cracks can occur in the tooth. Oğuz Selim Yardimcies, “Some of the patients want to remove even small stains on the surface of the tooth by forcing our dentists and unfortunately undesirable situations. Micro cracks in the tooth. These cracks are more quickly absorbed. Exaggerated requests should be avoided, “he said.
“It can lead to long term infection and tooth loss”
Dt. Oguz Selim Assistant, “Every day, the dishes that we eat in our mouths and bacteria form toothbases over time. If the dental stones become chronic, the formation of infection in the gum begins. This infection goes further to the tooth root. Early diagnosis and treatment can be encountered in dental treatment and gingival bleeding can be encountered in 4-5 days as the teeth sensitivity and gingival treatment. He said.