Paul Kagame leads with 99.15% of votes, according to partial results

Paul Kagame leads with 9915 of votes according to partial

Rwandan President Paul Kagame is leading the presidential election with 99.15% of the vote, according to partial official results based on 79% of the ballots counted announced Monday evening by the National Electoral Commission (NEC).

3 min

According to these results read on national television by the president of the electoral commission Oda Gasinzigwa, “ the candidate of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, Paul Kagameobtained 99.15% of the votes in the presidential election, the candidate of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, Frank Habineza, obtained 0.53%, the independent candidate Philippe Mpayimana obtained 0.32% “.

After the provisional results were announced by the electoral commission around 10 p.m., Paul Kagame spoke live from the headquarters of his party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, to his supporters. I know that not everyone is here tonight, but I wanted to thank you all one by one, for being by my side until the last minute, until it was decided. These results are clear, there is no doubt now. Have you ever seen me lose hope? Of course not. Never! Not in the past… or even in the future! It is because I know that I have your support and that we will always find solutions together. As for this score of 99%, it is very impressive. And even if I were elected with 100%… it is not just a question of numbers, it is a reflection of the confidence that you have in me. And that is what matters most to me. »

For this election, he was opposed to the same opponents as in the last presidential election in 2017, the leader of the only authorized opposition party Frank Habineza and the independent Philippe Mpayimana, against whom he won 98.79% of the vote. Complete provisional results are expected on July 20, before the proclamation of the final results on July 27.

In an office in Kigali, where our special correspondent was present, Liza Fabbianonly one name resonated in the room during the counting: Paul Kagame. The outgoing president, once again crushes his opponents, handpicked. The main opposition figures, the most critical voices, were disqualified before the election.

The result is as if it were already known. »

However, young Sifa went to vote with pride this Monday, she, who has only known one leader at the head of her country: ” I was very curious to participate in an election. That’s why I got up very early this morning. It went very well, there is a strong participation. And the result, well, it’s as if it were already known, since we know well what we want. »

During his campaign, Paul Kagame always seemed confident, presenting this new election as a formality… a plebiscite of his actions at the head of Rwanda. A message well received by Claude, questioned at the exit of his polling station: “I have just passed by and I am going back to tell my wife and the children to pass by too. Because it is an obligation, it is also a responsibility to advance society. I noticed that there was enthusiasm on the part of the outgoing president. Now, we will see.”

Following a constitutional reform adopted in 2015, Paul Kagame can still lead Rwanda for two five-year terms, until 2034.

Read alsoIn the news: plebiscite expected for Paul Kagame…
