patron of a historic RN in the Assembly, what position against Macron?

patron of a historic RN in the Assembly what position

THE PEN. Elected president of the RN deputies in the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen is at the head of a group of historical elected officials who do not intend to systematically obstruct the laws of the government of Emmanuel Macron.

She didn’t need any ballots in her name, or even any hands raised in her favour. Only a cheer was enough. This Thursday, June 23, 2022, Marine Le Pen was, unsurprisingly, elected president of the RN group in the National Assembly. The only candidate in the running, the patron saint of the National Rally therefore takes the lead of a historic team of 88 deputies (plus her) who entered the Bourbon Palace. For the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, ex-president of the only FN group in history in the Assembly in 1986, this mass arrival in the hemicycle is a new step in the ambition of training far-right to seize power. After becoming president of the FN in 2011, having undertaken its de-demonization strategy, having reached the 2e round of the presidential election in 2017 then in 2022, the fifty-year-old is now largely surrounded by elected officials from her political side in the National Assembly, she who has been installed on the benches of the Assembly since 2017.

What is Marine Le Pen’s position on Emmanuel Macron’s policy?

At the head of the first opposition party to La République en Marche and its allies, Marine Le Pen and the elected RNs are necessarily courted by the presidential majority which is looking for reserves of votes to pass its texts in the National Assembly. End of inadmissibility opposed by the dauphine of Emmanuel Macron as to the idea of ​​a government of national unity. “I think the situation does not justify it,” she explained after her meeting with the head of state on Tuesday. However, the MP for Pas-de-Calais “reminds the Head of State that the group of 89 MPs that I have the honor of chairing is a group in the opposition but which does not wish to be in the systematic obstruction.”

Marine Le Pen will leave the presidency of the National Rally

As a five-year term begins which promises to be particularly agitated, Marine Le Pen will abandon one of her hats: that of president of the National Rally. Since September 2021, the position has been held on an interim basis by Jordan Bardella. But the young MEP is strongly expected to officially take over, even if Louis Alliot would also be in the running. After 11 years in this role, Marine Le Pen will pass the baton. “I will not take over the head of the RN. I will focus on the presidency of this very large group,” she said herself. A congress will be held in the fall to designate the identity of his successor. But the daughter of the founder of the party should keep a certain influence within her political family.
