Patrik Laine’s Columbus got a new NHL head coach | Sports in a nutshell

Patrik Laines Columbus got a new NHL head coach

Dean Evason previously coached the Minnesota Wild.

22.7. 22:41•Updated 22.7. 22:44

The Columbus Blue Jackets, closely watched by Finnish NHL hockey fans in recent years, got a new head coach, when the Ohio club announced on its website on Monday that it had selected a Canadian to Dean Evason.

Evason, 59, most recently worked in NHL coaching as the head coach of the Minnesota Wild. He came to the position in the middle of the 2019-20 season and piloted the Wild in the first four seasons all the way to the playoffs. Last season, however, Evason was fired in November after seven consecutive losing games.

At last spring’s World Cup tournament, Evason was the assistant coach of the Canadian team.

Columbus, who played poorly last season, has been an attacker Patrik Laine as a team under the close watch of Finnish hockey fans. A GM with a long career in the club Jarmo Kekäläinen was fired last February.
