Patrik Laine strikes goals at an exceptional pace – for these reasons the score has already been extended to eight matches

Patrik Laine strikes goals at an exceptional pace for

Patrik Laine is rolling in the toughest goal of his NHL career, but this still has a lot to prove in the spring season, writes Tommi Seppälä, NH Sport’s journalist for Sportheil.

Finnish hockey player Patrik Laine has always been a cold-hot player at the NHL who, when born in the best mood, hits the board with a terrible result.

During the hot seasons, the Tesoma cannon is able to hit the gaming device at a pace that only a handful of hockey players in the world can.

On the other hand, in cold periods, spending has often been chilly weak and even negative from a team perspective.

Right now, Patrik Laine, 23, is in top shape. No such Patrik Lain has been seen in NHL troughs for a while. At the same time that the Lions rushed to the Olympic finals in Beijing, Laine struck her first hat trick of the season and the ninth hat trick of her NHL career in Chicago. At the same time, Laine’s scoring streak stretched to eight matches.

Laine has simply improved his game

Laine restarted her machines at the turn of the year after returning to the trough from a long sick leave during which she tragically lost her father.

When Laine then got her siege around mid-January, she’s just stepping up her pace. Since January 13, Laine has scored 19 (12 + 7) power points in 14 matches. The ranking in the entire NHL points exchange for this period is the eighth best Finn.

On the 2022 paint exchange, Laine will be in sixth place after only one goal, including the hot Toronto Auston Matthewsia. There is a time when it has been possible to talk about Matthews and Laine in the same sentence at the 2016 booking ceremony.

Although there has been luck in Laine’s journey, coincidence has very little to do with the current mood.

Laine has simply improved his game in recent weeks. While there is still room for improvement in the overall, the overall look is better and he doesn’t leak on his own. The Tampere striker is now, for the first time in Colmbus, a plus player (+2).

Only four Columbus players ’power stats reach the plus side.

The statistics speak for themselves

Laine is known for his shots and player type as a scorer, so wading up shots has been one important theme since the gloomy last season. Laine, who has played an average of nearly three shots per match in Winnipeg over the past year, shot the puck only 1.7 times per game in the previous season.

Laine shot 79 times in the last season, now 79 times in 29 matches, and the pace is still tight.

One of the reasons for Laine’s new arrival can also be found in the finish spot statistics. Where he was recorded with 0.22 first-sector finishes per match last season, the same figure is now hovering over 0.5. For a wave-level shooter and scorer, such numbers make a huge difference.

Laine scored 10 goals in 45 matches in the past season and now there are 16 goals in 29 matches.

Last season was the very tidal wave of Laine’s NHL career, for which the recurrence of a stomach injury last fall and the sudden death of her father seemed to be a continuation. The young man was really tested.

Head coach at the beginning of the year Brad Larsen even shook Laine in public after a few weaker games so last season’s laxity wouldn’t come into question this season.

Laine has responded to all of this by pushing herself into the toughest flight of her career, purely in the light of numbers.

Sure, 29 games would still be a long way to 82 in the game, but all of Laine’s current pace would take him to 45 goals and 87 points this season. The readings would be the hardest for Laine’s career in terms of both goals and points.

The current pace is even a little confusing because Laine has been wandering the path of hard learning in the NHL for so long for various reasons.

At Laine, the expectation of 40 goals was last talked about in the 2017-2018 season, his second NHL season.

What is also special, in a positive way, is that Laine has scored his goals so far mostly in equal weeks. Of Laine’s 16 goals, only three have been born of superiority.

The wave of 1.79 hits per hour played in even weeks is the fourth highest quote in the entire NHL. Points have also accumulated 3.04 per hour, ranking 23rd.

The exceptional player will continue to share opinions

Laine is, in any context, a completely exceptional type of player who will continue to share opinions.

Overall, he may continue to evolve, but in terms of reliability and productivity, finding Laine will become a star-category player in the NHL world, as seen in recent weeks.

While he still regains his own, slightly cock-like level of self-confidence through success, all the lunch to return to the map exists. Those lunches are at hand here and now.

On the other hand, in the midst of all the glow, it’s good to keep in mind the potential of Patrik Laine. The handsome eight-game points tube is a great accomplishment, but Laine can do much better.

Four years back, Laine would wrap up a fifteen-game scoring streak. In nine of these matches, the power plant scored at least two power points. This tells you how high the ceiling of Laine is.

In the case of the wave, it is still a matter of finding the last stone of the wise: how to maintain an adequate quality of doing in the game from night to night.

This has been an important theme for Laine for a long time and it is especially in the middle of the last hot season. There are 34 matches left and Laine still has a lot to prove.
