Patrick Boucheron and his comrades damage liberal democracy, by Abnousse Shalmani – L’Express

Patrick Boucheron and his comrades damage liberal democracy by Abnousse

The kingdom of Wokistan, this invisible but present world in all strata of society, in all the decisions of publishing, production, realization, casting, electoral list, programming of television sets, title trees, those, them and them, of it or of it, this stifling world of inclusion that sounds false, soft totalitarianism, absurd prohibitions, The reprogramming for tomorrows where any emotion is prohibited, all spontaneity, dangerous, is attacked by conquering Trumpism. Certainly that this is delighted with some: those who have no problem with the Wokistan Borgnes combatants’ methods, but only with what they are attacking.

But for the others? Citizens, researchers, academics, intellectuals, essayists, journalists, novelists who have continued to warn, dissect, prevent, ring the alarm as to the drifts of wokism, as for its direct dangers or in boomerang, these are in Petrin. And because they are in the kneader, it is precisely the time to take part in the ideological and cultural battle again, of not leaving the ground in the wokes and antiwokes, to all these ends who do not believe in culture, in freedom, or in responsibility, without fear of being returned to the camp of Trumpists-Fascists.

The first victims of the antiwoke reaction are intellectuals who fought Wokistan with intelligence and arguments. By a spectacular sleight of hand, these are now summoned to be silent, to make a low profile, so as not to feed the Trump monster.

Do not feed the Trump monster

May the attack come from the Collège de France touches the quasi suicidal folies. The Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) have decided to cancel the publication of a work, Faced with obscurantism WokeCodirigated by Pierre Vermeren, Emmanuel Hénin and Xavier-Laurent Salvador, under the pretext of the “context very unfavorable to the publication of the work”, dixit the publisher Paul Garapon, who had commanded him and was enchanted. But in the meantime, Patrick Boucheron, the mandarin of decolonialism now haloed by the holy transgression (this is an irony) of having written the nauseating sequence of Marie-Antoinette guillotine during the Olympic Games in Paris, raised his voice. The medievalist who has become a decolonial historian, which is much more profitable, chief ideologist, took advantage of the prestige of the Collège de France to hold a press conference in support of American scientists who turned into a MacCarthyst platform: “An important part of the media space is saturated by entrepreneurs of approximation and inaccuracies, who say that is that Islamo-leftism or wokism […] There are books that continue to appear. There is one to the PUF called Faced with obscurantism Woke. To PUF! To PUF! “

It would be legitimate to expect from the college of France a severe sanction against this kind of trial of intention and preaching. Do you think! It is in the dogmatic clearance of censorship that we assisted live: the PUFs have rear machine. And the book will not appear. That the kingdom of Wokistan fertilized Trumpism, fortified it, gave it something more ideologist than never would come to the idea of ​​Boucheron and his comrades, who will be accountable before the history of having permanently damaged liberal democracy.

Meanwhile in the United States, censorship has just switched from the militant Woke base to state institutions (antiwoke). Books prohibited under pressure from associations of parents of conservative pupils or progressive-woke lobbies in schools now follow the books put in the index by the State in accordance with the presidential decree signed by Trump which puts an end to the initiatives of I (diversity, equity, inclusion). Where it touches delirium is to see in the list of prohibited books Hillbilly Elégiethe autobiography of vice-president JD Vance, or the masterpiece Do not shoot the mocking bird, by Harper Lee, who was already in the Wokes’ sights. Double reason to read or reread this fabulous novel that makes the horror of racial segregation better better than any partisan essay.

