Patient was operated on the wrong side of the hip

Patient was operated on the wrong side of the hip

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen An elderly woman was operated on the wrong side of her hip at Södra Älvsborg hospital. Archive image. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT

An elderly woman had a hip fracture on the right side – but was operated on instead on the left. Now Södra Älvsborg’s hospital reports itself according to lex-Maria to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (IVO), reports P4 Sjuhärad.

According to the hospital, one explanation behind the miss is that several doctors were involved in the care case. The doctor who performed the actual operation also missed that the right leg had been marked with an arrow.

The hospital announces that it has now changed its routines.

– The person who writes in the medical record must be the one who operates, says chief physician Sara Degerman Carlsson to the radio.
