Patent, bac 2021: which health protocols?

Patent bac 2021 which health protocols

  • News
  • Updated 06/23/2021

    3 min read

    The government reaffirms its desire to keep schools open, but is taking new measures for the month of January 2021 to strengthen the health protocol.

    On Thursday, January 14, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education spoke at the government press conference to announce the new measures that will be put in place in schools, colleges and high schools.

    2021 patent: dates and protocol

    Dates : This year, the written tests will take place on June 28 and 29, 2021. The oral exams take place between May 3 and the last day of the written exams.
    Sanitary protocol of the college certificate :

    • Wearing the mask is obligatory outside and inside the premises. In case of refusal to wear a mask, access to the exams will be refused.
    • Contact or positive case candidates at Covid-19 will not be able to sit for the exams before the end of the isolation period, they will be invited to the replacement exams which will be held on September 13 and 14, 2021.
    • Hydroalcoholic gel will be made available to students so that they can disinfect their hands each time they enter and leave the rooms and before each handling of documents.
    • A physical distance of 1 meter will be required, both in outdoor spaces and in examination rooms.
    • Candidates are asked to present their identity card without having contact with the examiners and emerge with their own pen. If they forget a pen, they will be loaned one which will be disinfected beforehand.
    • If symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 appear in a staff or a candidate during the day, the person will be immediately isolated.

    Baccalaureate: elimination of specialty tests and adjustment of philosophy and French tests

    In a letter addressed to professors, Jean-Michel Blanquer announced that the specialty baccalaureate exams would be replaced by continuous assessment: “will not be assessed through exams in March, but on the basis of the averages of the three terms of Terminale of these courses”Can one read on the document which was transmitted to AFP.

    The Minister of National Education specifies: “in the words of the students, I heard the concerns expressed about the difficulties of preparing for the tests of the specialty courses” and “in those of the professors, I was sensitive to the expression of a fatigue experienced in what is experienced as a race against time “.

    Jean-Michel Blanquer also announced what will change for final philosophy exams : the choice will be between three subjects instead of two subjects, but also of French where the number of texts to be studied for the oral will be limited.

    A new protocol for school canteens

    Canteens are a place of potential contamination: it is the place where students remove their masks and are therefore more vulnerable. Increased vigilance will therefore be put in place in the canteen.

    For primary school students, “there will be no brewing possible “indicates the Minister. The pupils of the same class will eat together. If necessary, the catering time will be” lengthened.” and “as a last resort we can have take-out meal solutions“, specified the Minister. It will be the same for the colleges where meals to go can also be proposed.

    No indoor sport

    Also with a view to limiting the spread of the virus, indoor sports activities will be suspended “until further notice”Said Jean-Michel Blanquer.

    Possible implementation of a hybrid education from the 4th year

    Since the beginning of the crisis, we have had two criteria, the first is to ensure the continuity of learning, and secondly to protect as much as possible the health, the health of the students, the health of the personnel, the health of the French“, declared the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer. The colleges, for the 4th and 3rd classes, will be able to set up a“ hybrid ”education. The Minister however specified that these measures should remain exceptional and that ‘they will be studied on a case-by-case basis.

    The hybrid mode between face-to-face and distance learning will be maintained in high schools after January 20.

    Massive screening

    Finally, Jean-Michel Blanquer concluded on the implementation of massive screening: “Our testing strategy takes a new turn with from January in schools, colleges and high schools a massive possibility of deployment for more than a million staff and students”. When three cases are found in an establishment, all staff, college and high school students will be offered a test within 48 hours.

