Immediately after the livestream on May 2nd for Season 4 in Diablo 4, Blizzard published the patch notes for patch 1.4.0. MeinMMO provides you with the most important information and summarizes what should be improved.
Season 4 starts on May 14th at 7:00 p.m. and brings numerous changes and improvements to Diablo 4. Previously, Blizzard opened a PTR (Public Test Realm) for the first time. After the developers evaluated the feedback, they finally announced what awaits us in Season 4 in the live stream on May 2nd.
This should get better:
In addition, all classes will be completely adjusted with buffs, nerfs and new items for each of them. Below we summarize the highlights from the patch notes. On page 2 you will find the complete patch notes for update 1.4.0. As a heads up: it’s really a lot.
The latest Diablo 4 trailer shows the changes coming to the game in Season 4:
Diablo 4: Trailer shows the changes for Season 4 “Loot Reborn”
More videos
Loot drops should be more worthwhile
How do loot drops become more worthwhile? The developers’ goal is for players to spend more time fighting than sorting out the many items. This means that monsters that you kill drop fewer items, but they have a higher probability of being valuable.
Currently it is still the case that you come from nightmare dungeons and have six items of the same category in your inventory, each with different item power and a wide variety of affixes. In the Twitch stream, Associate Game Director Joe Piepiora draws a comparison to the “Damage on Tuesdays” affix that players often joke about. That should change with Season 4.
Legendary items that opponents drop above level 95 always have an item power of 925. This should make it possible to concentrate entirely on the affixes at the level. As for sacred and bequeathed items, the minimum level at which you can equip them has been lowered to 35 (holy) and 55 (bequeathed).
The unique drops are also being adjusted:
There will also be 12 new Uniques, 2 for all classes and 2 specifically for each of the five classes. We have listed what they can do and where you can find them here. And the new Uber Boss is Andariel, where you have an increased chance of finding Uber Uniques, like Duriel.
Although there will be no seasonal mechanics in Season 4 like in previous seasons, most of the changes are permanent and affect Diablo 4 as a whole. There will still be seasonal content in Season 4. For example, there are exclusive loot rewards for an iron wolf-related activity.
While other seasons have a cool theme that then disappears again, Season 4 fundamentally restructures everything – and the changes remain. In the interview, the developers explained to us what the theme and the special season mechanics will be.