The upcoming patch 1.5.1 makes changes to the Hell Hordes in Diablo 4. This will allow you to farm more Aether. In addition, all players will receive compensation for missing loot.
The “Hell Hordes” is a new endgame activity in Diablo 4 that was introduced in Season 5. In the activity, you fight waves of monsters and collect “Burning Aether,” which you can then exchange for loot, mats, and gold. With patch 1.5.1, Blizzard is making a few changes.
The highlights from the patch:
When will patch 1.5.1 go live? According to Blizzard, the new patch 1.5.1 will go live on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. We expect it to be available around 7 p.m. The full German patch notes can be found on the second page of the article. This time they are not as extensive.
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More Aether in the Hell Hordes
How do I get more ether? Blizzard is increasing the amount of Burning Aether you receive from Infernal Gifts. Infernal Gifts are the effects you choose between waves for subsequent waves – also known as “Blessings and Curses.”
The following infernal gifts will be updated:
You can also reuse the chest with gold. One player recently exchanged all of his collected ether for gold and got a whopping 150 million gold from one run.
The chests, which you can open for 60 Aether, were supposed to drop you “guaranteed” legendaries with “large affixes” (1.5x the size of normal affixes). That was not the case. As compensation, with patch 1.5.1, according to Blizzard, you will receive “a chest containing legendary items with guaranteed large affixes.”
On the PTR (public test server), the Hell Hordes were still quite unpopular. Some players found that the activity was simply not fun. After the test, Blizzard tweaked and adjusted the Hell Hordes. Many players now seem to be happy. You can find out more here: The new mode in Diablo 4 was really unpopular, now it is “the best thing that could have happened”