Pass’sport: who can benefit from this back-to-school aid?

Passsport who can benefit from this back to school aid

For the start of the 2022 academic year, pupils and scholarship students can benefit from the Pass’Sport system. How to obtain this help of 50 euros allowing to finance the registration in a sports club? Details.

A few days ago, millions of students returned to school. And who says back to school, also says opening of registrations for extracurricular and extracurricular activities, like sports. This year, parents will once again be able to count on the Sports pass, also called sports re-entry allowance. Financial assistance granted to families who wish to enroll their children in a sports club or association. Until now, the system was reserved for young people aged 6 to 18, under certain conditions, but now scholarship students, aged between 18 and 25 can also benefit from it. Thus, at the start of the 2022 school year, 760,000 young people would therefore be affected by this bonus. “The objective: to put sport at the heart of the Nation’s project with the deployment of 5,000 new sports grounds and halls by 2024 to make sports practice more accessible”, has specified the government.

Pass’Sport: how much?

This is’a reduction of 50 euros per child for membership or license fees in a sports club or association. The Pass’Sport system can be used in clubs affiliated with federations but also in sports associations located in disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Pass’Sport: from what age?

The purpose of this device is to allow 6-25 year olds, scholarship students or recipients of the Disabled Adult Allowance up to 30 years old to join a club and to relaunch sporting activity in the country.

How to get the Pass’Sport?

To obtain the Pass’Sport, the child must be between the ages of 6 and 18, and be a recipient of either the back-to-school allowance or the education allowance for disabled children (AEEH); or the allowance for disabled adults (AAH). Beneficiaries of the AAH can benefit from it between the ages of 16 and 30. Finally, young people aged 18 to 25 will be able to apply for it from the start of the 2022 academic year if they are on scholarships.

In which clubs is the Pass’Sport eligible?

The sports structures that can apply a reduction of 50 euros on the membership fees are:

  • Associations and structures affiliated with approved sports federations;
  • approved non-affiliated associations domiciled in priority urban policy districts (QPV) and/or supported by the State Educational Cities programme.
