Pasquarelli Auto signs agreement with Defence General Staff

Car incentives the wait for the publication of the decree

(Telestock) – Pasquarelli Carsa company active in the car trade and rental sector, listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market, has today signed an agreement with the Defence General Staff (SMD) for the supply of cars and mobility services to military and civilian personnel of the Defense.

Specifically, the agreement, signed byuntil December 2025extensible and renewable, has as its object the offer of favorable conditions for employees and their families, on the purchase of cars new, company cars at km 0, used and after-sales services, as well as short, medium and long-term rental.

“We are extremely proud to announce this agreement with the Defence General Staff for the provision of mobility services – comments the CEO Giancarlo Pasquarelli – which demonstrates the trust that institutions of such high standing place in our capabilities and in the quality of our services. This agreement also allows us to further strengthen our positioning on the Rome market, where the Defence General Staff is very present territorially and for which we count on being a point of reference”.

(Photo: @pixel7propix on Unsplash)
